Chapter 19 - Jordyn's Birthday Bash Take Two

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Although, Aiden spoke so bitterly towards us, Andrew seemed unfazed. If Andrew felt any distaste similar to Alice, he did well in hiding it. “We’re her friends from New York City.” Alice answered in a sickly sweet tone. Alice had never been one to hide her hate very well. I could tell that she already hated Aiden. “I’m Alice.” She didn’t offer a hand or a smile.

Aiden blinked down at the short light blonde girl with piercing blue orbs of ice. He seemed taken aback by the boldness of Alice and her cold tone when she stepped in front of Andrew and me. I was even a little stunned by her sudden answer. “Uh, yeah. They’re here for my birthday. That’s Alice, Lila, you know Kevin, Kim, and this is my friend Andrew.” I introduced everyone to Aiden, and I felt awkward while I did it.

I felt like I was standing in the middle of a turf war between my friends from the city and Aiden. I didn’t know what to do. Kim and Alice looked like they were ready to tackle Aiden. Lila was trying to put up a nice façade but failing miserably while Kevin just glared with his arms crossed. Andrew, I had to say, had the nicest look of all my friends. He was smiling although it wasn’t real, but it was a smile nevertheless.

“Well, then.” Alani stepped between the warring groups and intense stares. “We’re just waiting for one person. I don’t think she’ll take very long.” Alani kept glancing at us as if she took her eyes off one group for too long would allow them to pounce. “Then we’ll head to the docks, have lunch on the boat, and everyone will be nice to each other, right?”  She gave a pointed look to Aiden when she said the last word.

He glanced at her skeptically because I figured he didn’t know why my friends had taken an automatic hate to him and that I told Andrew everything that had been happening, but I could see the surrender on his face. I put my hand on Andrew’s shoulder, which got the attention of my whole group of friends. I gave them the same pointed look that Alani gave Aiden. “We’re here to celebrate wonderful me, remember?” I gave them a weak smile. One by one they gave me reassuring looks that they wouldn’t cause any turmoil today.

Then a crash got all of our attention off the tense air. “Ouch.” A familiar groan caused the burst of sand. When the flakes settled to the ground, I couldn’t hold in the laugh. “I was never the coordinated one, okay?” My sister’s cheeks reddened as she rubbed her head. She had fallen down the sand dune and landed a few feet away from us.

I walked over to her and helped her stand up. “I know.” I said sweetly as I was amused with my sister.

After dusting off her pastel colored sundress, she smiled at me. “Happy Birthday, big sis.” She gave me a hug. I smiled back at her, and we went back to my friends and others. Shawna’s smile widened when she saw my city friends. “Oh, my God. You guys came!”

“We wouldn’t miss Jordyn’s birthday.” Lila shrugged while approaching Shawna for a hug. Those two were separated at birth. I laughed as they were reunited.

A year or two ago, Shawna came into the city for break because our parents had gone on a cruise. She decided to spend some sisterly time. I was glad that she and my friends got along so well. It was a real relief.

I chuckled as the two started talking like they were never separated. I left them to go stand next to Andrew. “That’s everybody. Ready to go?” Lauren came over to me to ask. “I’m excited. I love boats.”

“Yeah.” Andrew answered her. I knew Lauren was still amused with the idea of Andrew being my ex-boyfriend, and I hadn’t failed to notice the way she sneakily smiled when she looked back at Andrew and me. Let me tell you, been there, done that as mean as that sounded.

“Let’s move.” Christian suggested as he picked up the red blanket. “It’s like a five-minute walk. Can you make it that long, fatty?” Christian laughed in my direction. So I was lazy, bite me.

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