Chapter 18 - Baby, You Were Born Today

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I flipped the covers off my face. A groan emitted from my lips. "Please stop!" I told the two girls squealing in front of me. "It's too early." I said and glanced over at a clock, where it tells me that it's 7:23 in the morning on March 14. Lauren and Alani were too excited.

Yes, Alani and Lauren were in my hotel suite where the wedding brigade stayed. Yes, I was back to staying here after Shawna and my aunt basically kicked me out of the hospital. Yes, they had said it was for my own good, and, yes, they had also said that if I didn't like it, my back would appreciate it.

Did I get hounded with questions upon my arrival? No. Did Lauren, Christian, and Alani act like I had been gone awhile? No. Did they act different around me? No. I guess they were trying to be sympathetic and decided that treating me no differently would make me feel better, and it did.

Alani, however, did speak to me once about Aiden. She apologized for him. She claimed he was just PMSing because he was marrying Kendra in three months, so this was his mental break where he acted so stupidly. Not that that was a good enough explanation for him asking if I had been in a mental asylum.

Aiden had avoided me like I was a plague. Kendra had stared at me like I was challenging her position as queen bee. Seth had laughed his ass off at me for reasons unknown, but that wasn't new. Then, he apologized when Alani scolded him, which again was nothing new.

So everything was the same. More or less.

But today, I had completely forgotten about today. Now, I didn't really feel like celebrating after the week I had, but I knew I had to put a face on because everyone else certainly was.

I looked over at the two more than normal happy girls. "It's your birthday!" Alani continued to hop in place like a kid on Christmas morning. "Baby, you were born today!" She smiles and pounces on me. I lost all my breath in the process while Lauren laughed at us and then joined my position on the bed.

Since I had momentarily forgotten my birthday, I didn't think that anybody else would remember. "How long did it take you to come up with that?" I laughed as we started to sit up in my bed. I scratched my head and yawned unattractively. I smiled at them both.

"Figured it out last night! I'm so excited. I have the day all planned out." Alani said emphatically. Lauren nodded her head with her arms crossed over her chest. Lauren assured me that this fact is true. I chuckled some more. It was good that I had such lively people in my life, or my life would just be so boring.

I was not one of those people that dislike celebrating birthdays. I liked celebrating stuff. It was an excuse to party, which was so humanly needed once in a while. But, I didn't like going all out and going to extremes. For example, if you bought me a cake with a male stripper or rented out a club, then you and me had a problem. Those were just totally random examples, by the way.

I loved my birthday. Today, I turned 25. I was officially a quarter of a century old. "Okay. As long as the squealing at high pitches are kept to a minimum." I told them and finally stood out of my bed. "Where is Christian?" I slid my feet into my comfy pink fluffy slippers.

"I'm out here." I heard from the outside of my bedroom door. I peered out and saw Christian standing with a very large birthday card. It was one of those obnoxiously large cards that girls basically demand or get from their boyfriends on days like Valentine's Day. Yes, that obnoxiously large. To top that off, it looked like a teddy bear. I was starting to think it was actually one of those obnoxiously large Valentine's Day cards that overly romantic couples give each other.

"Aww." That weird sound came out of my lips as I looked at it. I took it from his hands. "'You are now officially one of the coolest 25-year olds that we know. Your b-day is going to be just as cool and awesome as you are. Alani, Lauren, and Christian.'" I read off the card, and it was so sappy that I loved it. I looked up at the faces of those who signed. Alani looked more excited than I was for my birthday. Christian had an awkward smile. Lauren just beamed at me with her arms over her chest still. I just noticed that she was wearing the dress Kevin made. I hoped Kendra wouldn't maul her for it. It looked like the one we had cut up with the exception that it had been adjusted for a more casual look. "Thanks you guys."

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