Chapter 33 - The Alani Day

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I was no stranger to waking up in an unfamiliar place. Just being honest. So the usual alarm that I had when I woke up passed really quickly. I was more concerned with the clothes that I was wearing until I remembered quite clearly what had happened last night. It was nothing scandalous. I was just sleeping in Aiden's clothes.

Stopping by my bathroom to make my self not look like I hadn't taken care of my personal hygiene in some great time, I grimaced when I looked at the mirror. I look like I'm doing the walk of shame. Great. I ran a hand through my hair and decided there wasn't much I could do right now. Most of my face was at the hotel because this trip was so impromptu and impulsive. So, yeah, this wasn't going to get much better.

I made my way down the stairs, and it seemed that Aiden was already up. He sat at the table with a coffee and his tablet in hand. He stared at me when I arrived. "I look like I'm doing the walk of shame." I mentioned to him because it was obvious that was what he was thinking. How tragic. I didn't even get to do the shameful part, yet I was left with the consequence.

Aiden smirked, glancing down at the tablet in his hand and took a sip of his coffee. "You said it, I didn't." He reminded me as he snickered. I rolled my sleepy eyes. He looked ready to go. He was changed and seemed to be in a good mood. See, I had never understood people who could be like that. Kim was like that when we were roommates. She always woke me up for my early morning classes in the most unflattering ways she could think of, such as the ice bucket or attempting to flip my bed.

I yawned loudly as I leaned on the counter behind me. Aiden chuckled. "My clothes?" I asked him. I had no idea where that room was, and in my sleepy state, it was a miracle I wasn't running into walls or tripping over furniture.

"I put it in the dryer awhile ago." He said to me. I nodded and turned to the counter to pour me some caffeine. That sounded really good right now. "It should be ready before we leave." Aiden said, sipping from his own coffee.

I sat with my mug across from him and put my right foot up on my chair. "'We'?" I asked him. "So you're not sending me back in a taxi?" I looked at Aiden with a raised eyebrow as I let the hot liquid wake my body up. I didn't drink coffee all the time, but when you needed it, you needed it.

"No. I think I should probably let Alani relax. She might be hiding in her room for all we know, or y'know, watching a hundred dollars-worth of pay per view in my room." Aiden smiled. Yes, he was a good mood. It was finally nice to see him in a good mood, but I knew that when he was looking down at his tablet, he wasn't really paying attention to whatever was on the screen. He was thinking about what going back would be like, where there would be prickly bitches asking about the wedding and Kendra so that they can have a gossip topic with their other prickly bitch friends.

"We don't have to leave right away." I said. "We can leave in the afternoon or something. I'm sure Alani can hold her own just for a couple more hours if we constantly call her to check that she's still alive." I told him in effort to ease him. His eyebrows had been knitting themselves together. I didn't think any morning newspaper or whatever would make some look so stressed.

Aiden shook his head and put his tablet down. "No, I want to leave as soon as possible." He told me. "I'm going to go pack." He stood up and put his cup into the sink.

Then, there was one.

I watched as Aiden made his way to his room. Pointless conversation was all you could really ask from someone who had a heavy decision on his mind. Even after what he said last night, it wasn't all that clear what was going to happen. Aiden was upset with Kendra, but last night, he kept blaming himself. He didn't say anything really against Kendra, and that had me a little bit worried.

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