Chapter 15 - God Save Me From The Queen

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"You don't have to." Alani said to me once again when we reached her floor. She and I only occupied the elevator. We had just finished the rest of the tasting with Aiden. A particular bride-to-be's mother took him away when we finished. So, Alani and I opted to just leave without him.

I shrugged. "That's the thing about guilt, Alani. It makes you feel like you have to. I'm doing this, and you know exactly how I feel because you want to apologize to Aiden." I told her as we elevator dinged, and the door opened. "Now, it would make sense. Saying sorry to Aiden would seem completely random. So I'm taking this opportunity to do something that I feel that I won't ever get to do when this thing is over."

Alani rolled her eyes. "But that's months from now, J. You don't have to do it now."

"What better time will there be?" I said as she stepped off and gave me a warning look.

She gave me one last wary look. "Whatever." She said. "Walk into doom if that's what you want to do." She crossed her arms. "I'll see you tomorrow." She continued to look at me like I was crazy for doing what I'm about to do as the elevator doors began closing.

Soon, it was just I standing in this elevator shaft with just the sound of my thoughts and my deep breathing. I was doing a right thing. I shouldn't be so easily talked out of doing the right thing. It was the right thing to do, and I was not backing down because Alani was wary. Well, I was wary too. That was beside the point.

It didn't take long for the elevator to ding again because I was only going one floor above. It was the floor that had Christian and Aiden's, mine, and Kendra's suite. Instead of turning toward my room, I about-faced and turned the other way. I walked while wringing my hands. Soon, I reached a large double-door suite that obviously belonged to a princess, or you know, a wannabe princess.

You're here to apologize. Try not to make those rude comments. I thought to myself. I took a deep breath since I knew that I might not come out alive. I knocked on the cream colored door. "Kendra?" I asked to the door. No answer. There was a part of me that wanted to walk away and forget about everything I was about to do. However, the conscience and Jiminy Cricket part of me convinced me to stay. After all the horrible problems and things that Alani, Lauren, and I had or would do, I felt Jiminy get a little annoying. So, I tried again. "Kendra?" I asked and started pressing down on the cold brass knob.

Last chance to turn around, Jordyn. My cowardly side said to me.

Oh, grow a pair. My brave side and Jiminy chorused.

God, stop talking to yourself, Jordyn. You're gonna end up in the loony bin. I mentally scolded my inner conscience.

"Who's there?" A weak voice resonated from the bedroom. She sounded like she was actually sick.

Ha, you know she's lying. The devil inside me laughed. I told you to shut up! I mentally yelled. I concealed the grimace that I had since I was going nuts. I walked carefully on the marble tiles as I approached another set of double doors. "It's just me." I tried to smile at her as I poked my head in.

"Oh, good." Kendra said going back to normal. She sat up in her bed and placed a healthy and natural look on her face. She resumed being a normal Kendra. She had her superior eyes and sly smile back on her face. "I'm so tired of pretending." She complained. Well, you didn't have to act like you were dying. I thought. I pushed it down and focused on the reason I was here. "What are you doing there?" She said with disinterest. It was like I was a second thought. I thought I even detected some disgust because I was interrupting her time.

I courageously stepped forward a bit. It was not that I was afraid of Kendra. No, I was definitely not afraid of her. I knew there was so many things that could go wrong. I could have let evidence of my hatred and the break-up plan slip. She could have made me lie again for her. I could have gotten so annoyed that I'd hit her a bunch of times with the nearest chair. Like, I said. So many things could go wrong.

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