Chpater 8 - Story Time

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I'm so incredibly sorry. 2 weeks turned into 2 months. I'm just terrible. I don't think this chapter makes up for it, but I'm really sorry for making you wait while I went AWOL. Anyways, see you at the bottom. Enjoy!

Sara 😘


“So where’s the queen of the world?” I asked to anyone that would answer. I made it sound like I was joking about my opinon of Kendra. P.S. I really wasn't. I put down the lamenated menu.

“Shopping.” Four voices answered me. They belonged to Alani, Lauren, Christian, and Aiden. We all sat around a table in a restaurant. It wasn’t fancy, it wasn’t McDonald’s either. It was clearly a family owned shop. The sign outside said “Rosario’s”.

We all had plates in front of us, but I was just pushing around the fries on my plate. Christian and Aiden chomped on the pizza. “I feel like you never left.” Alani looked at me and said. “Like you’ve always been here.”

I nodded. “I guess. I miss my apartment in New York City. And it’s really quiet when I sleep. I’m so used to the honking and the lights that are usually outside my building.” I laughed vainly.

“Why did you ever leave?” Lauren asked. “I mean, New York is so busy. I like the suburbs, thank you very much.” She added before sipping her drink.

Aiden glanced over at me. I shrugged nonchalantly. He expected me to pour my life out to them. They’re good friends, but I haven’t really told anyone the full reason. My personal life is just that. Personal. “Number of small reasons that added together to equal my decision.” I explained.

“Sounds like a lot of math.” Christian remarked.

“Yes, it depends on the size of your brain. Yours clearly cannot handle it.” I snickered. “I just wanted to get out of here. I didn’t really care where. New York City was the first place I thought of and it wasn’t too far off. So why not?” I said carelessly. The matter of my leaving was not a mystery. You didn’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure it out, but I hoped that it would remain unknown and it was not a careless matter.

Aiden cleared his throat. We all looked at him. Alani looked down at her plate. I feel like Alani was starting to feel really guilty about all the crap that we’ve planned. She, out of all of us, is the closest to Aiden and obviously cares about him a lot like a big sister. She’s starting to see that this whole ruining the wedding won’t only affect bridezilla, but sweet Aiden, too.

He’s not innocent. I can tell you that. He’s giving the devil happiness by marrying her and giving her access to his credit card. That is an unforgivable sin.

I’m just kidding. Sort of.

“So?” I said before the silence set in. “What have I missed? Like, I’ve been gone for, like, six years, I’ve been here for, like, two weeks and I still don’t know if, like, Penny and Jake made it, like, through the affair when we were, like, seniors. Like, Jake was so, like, hurt.” I started sounding like an emphatic teenager again, on purpose. They started to laugh along with me. I wasn’t a total loser.

Alani recovered the quickest. “Jake is off in a college, like, overseas. So you aren’t the only one who, like, left. He was like, ‘I can’t stay here with that bitch’. Everyone was like, ‘Daaamn’.” Alani tried to say with a straight face and hand gestures. She failed epically considering we were revolting grown-ups now that we know how to function in society without feeling sad ever five seconds and that we think are completely alone in the world. I knew some very self-conscious, bipolar teenagers back in the day.

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