Chapter 12

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------------ A week had passed -----------

Gerard's POV
By now everyone had figured out that we were dating.

Right now me and Chrys were walking to Starbucks. We had our hoods up, because it was raining and because of the paparazzi.

It got annoying at times but, I don't think Chrys minded. When we got their we ordered the same things as usual. I got my coffee and she got her cute little pink tea.

We sat at a table in the corner of the shop. We put our hoods down and enjoyed our coffee.

She smiled at me and said "I'm glad we came here. Yes, the paparazzi is annoying but, when I'm with you it just seems to go away."

I smiled and said "Same here." We then just enjoyed our drinks together in silence.

I was surprised that it was cold out. It was the middle of summer. It shouldn't have been that cold.

When we were done we put our hoods up and went outside. Before we started to walk home some random girls from Starbucks walked in front of us.

They started squealing and saying "OH MY GOD ITS GERARD WAY!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!" I smiled and just walked around them.

I honestly just became a celebrity for the music, not the popularity. The girls started following us and it got annoying.

Chrys didn't seem to mind. Or at least I think she didn't mind.

When we got back home the girls were gone.

Chrys' POV
Could I do anything with Gerard that didn't involve other people being dorks?

I probably could. It would be fancy though. Me and Gerard weren't the fancy type though.

I mean sure. He has taken me to nice places. They weren't fancy though.

When we got in the lobby I burst and said "Those girls were so annoying." I then immediately said "Sorry."

He smiled and hugged me saying "It's fine. I was annoyed with them too. You looked like you didn't care so I didn't do or say anything."

I shrugged and said jokingly "I was trying not to explode so." We then laughed. He kissed me on the head.

I then saw a silhouette of a man outside the window. My phone had buzzed and it said "Your package has arrived."

What package?

I went outside and picked it up.

There was a big cylinder black box and then a smaller box. As I put the boxes on the table, Gerard kissed me on the side of the head and whispered in my ear "Those are from me." I opened the big box first.

It was a box of sixty red roses. I couldn't believe my eyes. They were all fresh and none of them were dying.

My eyes started to tear up as I opened the next little box. When I opened the box I was confused at first. It was a bracelet with little circles on them.

I then read the little card. It read "This bracelet is the size of the voice ways from the words 'I love you'"

I looked at Gerard. I smiled and hugged him. He smiled and said "Do you like it?"

I smiled and said "I'm tearing up with tears of joy of course I like it!" I then kissed him.

He then put the bracelet on my wrist and then kissed me.

Pete came into the room and said "Aw get a room you two." I laughed and said "Whatever."

I then picked up the box of roses and ran to my room. I took out five vases and filled them with water.

I put 12 roses in each and put them anywhere I could put them.

I then ran back downstairs to the lobby with a book.

Gerard had left because he needed to go to his studio to record.

I honestly didn't care.

I read the book until I drifted off to sleep.

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