Chapter 22

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Chrys's POV
I woke up around 6:00 am. I grabbed my stuff and went out of Aiven's front door.

I went outside and got a taxi. When I got in the taxi. I texted Aiven telling her I left to talk to Gerard.

I then heard the brakes screech and glass breaking. All I remember is that I heard police sirens and that I couldn't feel my leg.

------- 3 days later ------

I woke up and saw that I was in a cast and that Gerard was sitting by my hospital bed. What the hell happened?

He hasn't shaved in a while. Holy- was he waiting for me here this whole entire time?

I made a yawning noise and he looked up. Tears filled his eyes and he smiled and he said "OH THANK JESUS YOU'RE AWAKE! I CAN'T LOSE YOU!"

I looked around and said "What happened?" He shrugged and said "I didn't get the full story but they said that you got in a car crash on your way to the apartments. No one died."

I then looked at the window in the hospital and said "I was going to the apartments to talk to you."

He looked at me shocked and said "What? Why?"

I looked at him and said "I wanted to say thanks. You stopped the comments from coming. I feel like an ass now. I just want to get back together with you but I feel like it would be wrong."

He smiled and said "It wouldn't be wrong. I wanted you back when we broke up. I can't not be with you. I love you."

I looked up to make my tears dry. He laughed a little and said "You can cry." I looked at him and said "I want to hug you and cry but I'm immobile and I don't want to sound helpless."

He looked at me and said "Don't be stupid. He then hugged me and I hugged him.

He sat on the edge of the bed and I said "So what happened with my leg?"

He jumped up from out of his thoughts and said "Oh you broke it. You will have to be in the cast for like 2-3 months."

I sighed and said "Shhhiiittt. That's going to take forever. I'll be like a helpless child. I also can't go to the beach."

He rubbed my hand and said "Don't worry, I'll be there."

I smiled and said "So when do I leave?" He shrugged and said "When you pass your physical."

The nurse came in and said "Oh your awake. Are you hungry? Do you need anything?" "Yes, can I have my physical?" She looked at me shocked and said "This soon? Ok but it's early." She walked off and got the other nurse.

She helped me sit up and said "First we are going to get you to stand and then if you're walking well then we can let you go. You will also have crutches. We want you to get used to the crutches."

I nodded and she helped me up and gave me the crutches. Gerard followed as he watched me try to walk. At first I wobbled and then I got the hang of it.

She said "You are one of our healthiest patients. After we give you meds you are free to go."

The doctor then showed me and Gerard to the front desk and then showed Gerard what all my meds were. I was being taught how to work my wheelchair so I couldn't watch meds.

They then got me to Gerard's car and we left.

On the drive home he said "So are we a couple again?" I nodded and said "Yeah, I guess. I would wait to tell the fans though. Also, I want to make sure it is for sure before we make it official."

He nodded and said "Yeah I get that."

When I got their everyone was shocked to see my leg and me and Gerard.

Mikey looked at me and said "What happened?!" I shrugged and said "Car crash apparently. I honestly don't remember."

They all looked at my leg and asked me questions and then my leg started to hurt. I looked at Gerard and said "Did they give me pain killers?" he said "Yeah, you ok?"

I nodded and said "Yeah it just hurts." He gave me the pills and then i swallowed them.

He pushed me towards the table and said "You aren't aloud to eat for like 4 hours because of taking the pills for the first time. I will be right back I have to get your crutches."

I nodded and then he left. Now I am hungry. I tried reaching for an apple but Mikey took it away and said "Nope, brother said no so I say no."

I sighed and said "I'M DYING! AGH."

I then pushed myself towards the elevator and said "Does anyone mind opening the elevator door?"

Gerard ran over and then said "Ok so apparently these crutches have pillows?"

The elevator door opened and I said "I know, they are in my wheelchairs pouch."

We went in the elevator and he took me to my room.

We went inside and like the little dork that he was he swerved me and faked my car crash. It was sad yet funny.

When he got in and helped me get situated he shrugged and said "Do you want me to stay?."

I itched the back of my head and said "If you want to you can. It's up to you. I think I know what to do."

He smiled and said "Ok, I'll stay."

I looked at the ground and said "Thanks for being at the hospital for me. I really appreciate it. I probably wouldn't have known what went on with me until I asked the nurses or police or something."

He smiled and sat on the couch and said "You don't need to thank me. I will always be there for you."

I smiled and then I sat by him and hugged him.

We looked at each other and then we kissed.

It felt right. We smiled, he then looked at my cast and said "So, can I sign your cast?"

I nodded and said "Sure." He took out two sharpies and wrote something in the black one. He then put hearts all around it.

I looked down and read it. It read 'Feel better, XOXO G.'

I smiled and said "Cool. Thanks." He smiled and said "I'm not done yet."

He then sketched something out on my cast with a pencil. Then after like 30 minutes he had made a mural on the side of my cast.

It was The Black Parade and Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge drawings combined! It was so cool!

I smiled and said "Oh my god, this is so cool, thanks!"

He smiled and said "You're welcome."

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