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Eyes don't lie


"Stop it, we're in a library, I can't be too loud!," Jeno recognized the soft voice mixed with laughter that he adored too much when he stepped into the space filled with warm air and dusty book shelves. 

He held back a sigh as he made his way to his best friend and his boyfriend who was also a good friend of him. If „friend" was the right word...But it would never be more than that, Jeno was aware of that fact. 

As if to strengthen this thought, the black-haired boy spread his long fingers and looked at the small space between his middle and ring-finger where the name Park Woojin was engraved in tiny cursive letters. 

The name of his soulmate. 

Apparently. Because Jeno had never met or even heard of a person with this name. 

And he didn't really want to. 

To him, this name was just a person existing, like someone you pass by on the street for the first and last time. 

At the same time he couldn't ignore that he, as Jeno assumed Park Woojin was a male, was indeed his soulmate which meant that he was fated to be with him. 

However, Jeno didn't believe in the concept of soulmates. 

First, although it was very, very rare, there were sometimes cases of soulmates not matching or never meeting at all. So the boy assumed it was the same with him, as normally you run into your soulmate in the timespan of two months after having got your tattoo or tattoos, for polyamorous bonds. 

It had been over three months since Jeno's tattoo had appeared on his 19th birthday and nothing had happened since then. 

Second, his parents had broken up because they didn't get along on a romanic level anymore even though they were soulmates. Of course that didn't make the whole thing called "soulmate-bond" any more convincing for him. 

And third, and that was the main reason why he really didn't believe in it was that he...was in love with someone. 

Someone that had their own happy, lovely soulmate-bond and was unreachable for him. 

That meant something didn't pierce together. 

The soulmate-bond guarantees-in most cases as already said, that you fall for the person that has your name as a tattoo. If you don't match, you either don't have a soulmate at all or you get a new one who doesn't have a soulmate yet. 

But it can't happen that you like somebody that is already "taken". 

Although Jeno didn't really want to realize that exactly this had happened to him, he was sure of his feelings. Every time he was near his crush, he felt nervous and tensed. At the same time he felt pure adoration towards the person. And jealousy, want, despair.. 

When it came to him, it was always a roller-coaster of emotions. 

So, Jeno had to be in love with him. 

Right now, when Jeno spotted his crush, he felt his heart thumbing in his chest. 

"He dyed his hair?," he noticed surprised while approaching his two friends sitting with their backs facing him. 

Jeno clenched his fists a bit when he saw Mark's hand placed on one of the other boy's. He slowed down until he was right behind them and took a deep breath to calm himself down. 

"Hey, Donghyuck, you changed your hair color, huh" Jeno greeted and made said boy wince in surprise. 

"Lee Jeno, don't you dare do this again," Donghyuck scolded and held a hand over his heart which made Jeno glance at the tattoo on the back of his hand. 

Lee Minhyung. 

He hated it. But as always he couldn't release his gaze from it. 

"You almost gave me a heart attack," Donghyuck went on complaining, Jeno studying his new appearance. 

"Says you while unannounced showing up with a new hair color looking so fine," Jeno thought to himself. 

"And yes, I changed my hair color," the youngest added, looking at Jeno expectantly waiting for a reaction. 

"You look good, it suits you," Jeno told him and ruffled his hair, then taking the spot at the table  opposite Donghyuck. 

"Mark said he liked the other one better though," Donghyuck stated with a whiny voice but Jeno didn't say anything to this, pretending he was occupied with taking his books out of his jute-bag. 

"But I know you find me attractive either way," Donghyuck said with an affectionate voice making Jeno almost choke but then he realized those words were meant for Mark, Donghyuck's, his crush's boyfriend.

"God, please stop doing this in front of me. We all know you're fucking handsome, Donghyuck, but I don't need to hear your sweet talk all day," Jeno let out annoyed without really thinking. 

Yes, this was also something that happened when he was around his crush. He started saying stuff just like that. He noticed that he also became more impulsive. 

"Oh, someone's in a good mood, I see," Mark jokingly said although Donghyuck and him seemed a bit off guard by Jeno's sudden outburst. 

"No, just tired of you two constantly being cute with each other," Jeno explained, trying to forget the fact he just called Donghyuck handsome- and in front of the other's boyfriend. 

The others seemingly didn't care though, which made sense as friends can also call each other handsome, it's only normal. Just that it was different for Jeno.

"Hyuck, I guess your handsomeness won't stay unseen," Mark cooed lovingly and gave Donghyuck a small peck on his hand, unfazed and relaxed as always. 

The thing was that Mark didn't mind Donghyuck being complimented by no matter whom. 

He was his soulmate, so it didn't change anything for him. 

Other than Jeno, he believed in the power of the bond. And him and Jeno had been friends for a long time. Mark would never suspect anything. Of course also because Donghyuck was not destined to be his soulmate. 

And that made Jeno feel even more conflicted inside. He desired someone he couldn't and shouldn't be together with. 

"If only you knew, Mark," he thought bitterly. 

Thank you for reading, I hope the start was alright. Also, I'm so excited for this haha. Let's see how it goes.. 

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