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Eyes Don't Lie


"It's 1 hour and 45 minutes until the test but I'm already nervous," Renjun groaned when the five boys were having their lunch in the cafeteria. 

Normally they ate outside at one of the benches but as it was November, the weather became more chilly with every day so they had been eating in the building for some time now. 

"Whyy, it's only a small chemistry test!," Jaemin tried to reassure him while he was opening his can of coffee, a pop echoing from it. 

He then gently nudged Renjun who was sitting next to him and had stopped eating, discouraged, with his shoulder. 

"Are you actually planing for your handwriting to look a mess because of all the caffeine you've consumed by now? Because your hands will tremble with that amount," Jeno commented on Jaemin gulping down his second coffee in a span of fifteen minutes. 

The other just shrugged unbothered. He was used to their teasing about his love for coffee or "addiction" how his friends liked to call it. 

"You can never have enough coffee," he stated after he had finished the can in no time, smiling a bit proudly. 

Renjun chuckled at that, finding Jaemin weird but cute. 

Meanwhile Jeno silently chugged down his food, trying to ignore Mark eating Donghyuck's carrots as the younger didn't like them. Of course it didn't work as he caught himself attentively having an eye on what was going on next to him. So, when Donghyuck complained about him not having enough meat on his plate and Mark not wanting to share his, Jeno didn't hesitate, although he played it cool, to place a few of his meat stripes onto Donghyuck's plate. 

"What are you doing? You don't want them?," Donghyuck let out surprisedly but obviously happy. 

"No, you can have them," Jeno briefly explained, making a shy grin appear on the other's face. 

"Thank you Jeno, you're too sweet," Donghyuck exclaimed and leaned closer to him while holding onto his one arm, sticking out his tongue at Mark. 

Jeno didn't say anything to that, he just showed a small smile while finishing the dish.


"WHAT, just WHAT was this?!," Donghyuck questioned loudly after their last class had been dismissed shortly after the end of the test. 

"I could ask you the same," Jaemin told him but seemed quite unfazed as always. 

It's not that he didn't care about grades at all, he just accepted the way an exam or test went way faster than the others, no matter how good or bad it was. 

"I feel like all the studying was useless," Donghyuck whined, looking disappointed. 

"Come on, you did the best you could, and that's all what counts," Jeno helplessly tried to comfort him and patted the back of his head fondly. 

"I guess..thank you Jeno," Donghyuck mumbled and flashed him a quick smile, which made Jeno smile too, even though himself wasn't too satisfied with the test either. 

But if everyone had sucked, the teacher surely would change the point distribution, or that's what the four boys thought hopefully. 

The friends went to their lockers to put the books they didn't need at home inside and then went to meet Mark so that they could go home. Mark was dismissed earlier than all of them every Tuesday but he waited for his friends to go home with them every time. 

"MORK," Donghyuck, who seemingly already had forgotten about the awful test, shouted, startling the other whose lips curled up into a grin when he saw his friends. 

"Hey, how was the test?," he greeted them while Donghyuck was clinging by his side, affectionate as always. 

"Don't even mention it," Renjun told him with a disappointed smile. 

"Renjun, you surely did well, don't overthink," Jaemin reassured him quickly and back-hugged him. 

Jeno, who stood by the side felt minimally left out, although he tried to ignore it. He had thought he didn't like skin-ship but seeing Donghyuck pressing himself against Mark, he couldn't help but think how he'd love to be at the older one's place. But he didn't notice the way Donghyuck eyed him before letting his grip on his boyfriend loose and standing straight again. 

"Then let's go to 7 Café?," Mark changed the subject fast to not ruin the atmosphere. 

Plus, it had kind of become their ritual to go there when the group was in a bad mood. 

"Mhm," Jeno agreed and closed the zipper of his jacket, waiting for the others to be ready to go. 

When they made their way to the coffee shop, at one point Renjun pulled back to walk next to Jeno. 

"Jaemin's been clingy these past days, I don't know how to handle it," he whispered slightly stressed while glancing at mentioned boy who was laughing at some joke Mark made. 

"Isn't it a good sign? I think he might like you too," Jeno tried to calm him down, not really understanding Renjun's concern. 

Although he couldn't be 100% sure, in his eyes Jaemin also had a thing for Renjun. Yes, he was clingy with many persons but when it came to Renjun his comportment was rather soft and well-behaved as if not to "harm" the other. 

Renjun stopped voicing his concerns after thinking Jeno's vague statement through properly, obviously he wanted to believe Jeno's opinion. He even smiled while silently walking next to the rest. 

Jeno felt relieved by his friend's reaction and he was happy it was seemingly going well with his crush but he couldn't deny that he felt jealous of the fact that it wasn't like that for him. It was hard for Jeno to handle this inner conflict of feeling two totally different emotions. 

Either way, he had to face reality and that meant having to deal with his friends flirting in front of him. Even if it hurt, he could somehow cope with it. Somehow. Maybe.

But what he could not handle at the moment, was the way Donghyuck was seated next to him awfully closely because the café was unexpectedly cramped. 

Hey everyone, tell me if the pace we're going is okay? I'm still very excited about this and I hope you feel the same. Thank you for stopping by! ^^

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