46 0 14

Eyes don't lie


As Donghyuck went home, he sighed, not bothering to trudge around the puddles that had formed on the soil due to the ongoing rain, letting the water soak into his shoes. It was pouring mercilessly and he could only cover his head with his now drenched jacket, having forgotten an umbrella at home. 

At some point, the boy passed by a cafe, none other than '7 Cafe'. Tiredly he let his eyes wander over the people inside, dry and comfortable and sharing thrilling stories with each other while enjoying their meet-ups. His eyes grew bigger when he noticed two familiar figures seated near the window. Mrs. Lee was drinking her cappuccino while Jeno was seated opposite her, dejectedly sipping at his drink. 

The heartless expression his face sported made Donghyuck feel even worse than he had during the last few hours, after having had been informed by Mark that Jeno went home instead of participating in the lessons. Guiltily, Donghyuck adverted his gaze, not wanting the other to spot him and sped up his steps, walking rapidly until he reached his apartment. 

His mind stayed on unrest while he took a quick shower, while he studied, while he ate dinner, while...


Trying to take in everything his mother was talking about, Jeno mindlessly took a sip of his ice-cocoa every now and then, its coldness brining him back to reality every time. They were spending their afternoon in a cafe, his mom having had caught on that her son was down when she had come home and brought him to a more vivid place to distract him. It only worked halfway but she was still glad whenever he reacted in some way to her monologue about her colleagues. 

Lost in thoughts, Jeno looked outside the window their table was directly located next to, observing the people outside rushing wherever, in order to escape the rain that was harshly falling down from the sky, some dripping onto the window and trickling down on it. Taking in the brightly colored and patterned umbrellas made him feel at least a bit of amusement, as well as watching the people fighting the wind which was almost destroying their umbrellas. Once in a while, Jeno allowed himself to sense that Schadenfreude. 

He even let out a small chuckle at a person using their jacket as a shield against the cold water drops, the fabric already seeming as it was dripping too. 

The tiny bit of joy quickly subsided though, getting replaced by a grim emotion when he recognized the person by their clothes, their beige fleece pullover. All upset again, Jeno followed Donghyuck with his eyes, taking in the other going by with fast steps and being gone shortly after. 

"Don't get sick," he thought as his eyes lingered on the space Donghyuck had been a few seconds prior.


The next day at school, Donghyuck sat at his desks lazily during his English lessons, regretting that he didn't share those with Jeno. Because the other had clearly been avoiding him during their Math course before to that one, Donghyuck innerly cursing the teacher for having had decided on a seating plan for, he had to remind you, 18- to 19-year-old students which resulted in one less opportunity to catch up with Jeno. Anyways, said boy was quick to grab all his supplies once the bell had rung to announce the end of the lesson and spent his break time at the library with Renjun while Donghyuck had stayed in the classroom with Jaemin paying him a visit to cheer him up. 

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