Prelude: Only Witch In The Castle

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One fingernail taps on the armrest. Over and over. Counting the passing seconds.

When will her dearest ally finally return? The fairy who has been so eager to free her. Who can be anywhere, unlike herself. Who's voice she grew quite used to. Her finger stops tapping on the dark stone. Aimlessly on hold, it jitters in the air. Staring at the golden, glowing but narrow opening that has formed along the bricked walls like vines. Hope has never been closer. A feeling she hasn't felt for god knows how long. Patience became dreadful after all this time.

"Your Grace?"

The witch lifts off of her throne, awaiting the doctor to speak. He is hesitant: "You haven't attempted to go through the hole yet?"
Her deep red eyes focus on him, in a calm manner she tilts her head: "Maleficent has advised me to wait for her. Losing memories of any kind would not be beneficial."

"I suppose. I figured it would not mean much to you. After all, you do have quite a collection.", he answers as he carefully goes over his moustache. Behaviour she easily recognises. "Should you not be working, doctor?"

His green eyes break contact with hers: "I should, if I had more access to more recent technology. Either way, you seem rather stressed, perhaps a progress report would enlighten you?"

"You know I would not quite understand. The possibility of Maleficent failing to execute our plan only-... Worries me.", she speaks. Unbeknownst to her, he notices her shift in tone. "It is best to stay hopeful, as ironic as it sounds.", the doctor turns away once his mistress signals him to move on. Ironic indeed. Remaining hopeful of being set free from this castle. Set free from the seal trapping her inside these walls. To spread seeds of hopelessness across the world. Perhaps across all worlds. To grow into sadness and hatred. The gods do not deserve anything else.

Loud hissing echoes through the sparsely lit throne room. Mixing along with the dark fairy's chanting. The golden crack tears open wider as petite hands violently rip along its sides.

"Salem, my friend. May I welcome you?"
It's her. The horned fairy. She kept her word. Standing with open arms, the woman's breath calms as her shoulders lower.

"Maleficent. At last, we finally meet in person.", Salem's imposing figure shifts as their hands move towards one another. As their supposed handshake develops into a light hug. "Why haven't you described to me how wonderful your hair is?", Maleficent bends down to take a better look, carefully tapping Salem's crystal ornaments that hang below her more uncommonly shaped braids.
However the witch appears to be rather flustered. She has not expected her ally to be so much taller than her. And the flower.

The flower is even more beautiful than she imagined. A Lunar Tear must be as beautiful. Of course, it does not distract from Maleficent herself. Her more purple centered appearance. Her white scales, a detail Salem appreciates. All those years walking Remnant, Salem does not remember seeing such a unique facial shape as Maleficent's.

The doctor has come inside again as his eyes widen in surprise. Stunned.
"I imagined you to be older.", Maleficent focuses on him.
"Doctor Arthur Watts. It is my pleasure.", he approaches to also shake hands, but the dark fairy moves on: "Well?" She hints over to the now wide open hole.

Salem slowly extends her arm. A certain warmth emits upon reaching through. What lies ahead is a new world. No, a new universe. Created by the same gods who caused her endless torment. It has been a long time since Salem's thoughts have lost their composure this way. An experience short lived.

They arrived at the other end. She is met with a clear view over a modern city. Skyscrapers, structures she has only seen in pictures before. Her chosen maiden kneels before her: "My queen."
"Cinder. I am delighted by yours and Maleficent's success.", Salem continues to understand her new surroundings. They stand on a platform belonging to a large, white castle. A broken staircase hinders them from walking further up. The supposed upper structure is gone.

"Do you remember the boy I have told you about?", Maleficent asks in a calm manner, however the undertone of excitement is clear.
"A force we should not underestimate. What about the girl?", Salem turns to the group after she finished analysing this new environment.

Maleficent holds up her hand: "Yes, the glove has transferred her powers onto me, however I do believe she has not passed on yet. I do know they will likely restructure their methods. We have, well, time."
"Time?", the witch's voice pitches.
"Yes, after all you do need to learn in order to act. And by all means, you deserve to explore our worlds freely."

Explore freely. How lovely it sounds. Salem breathes in this unfamiliar scented air. Curiousity. What a feeling it is.

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