Rise And Shine

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They've been standing in the castle's hallway for quite a while now. With both not saying anything, Master Xehanort notices how Viola squints her eyes and finally speaks up: "There was another thing I wanted to ask. Nevermind.", after she sighs and almost turns away from him, he tries his best to make clear that she can ask anything.

"Do you still need to talk about yesterday night?", he proceeds the conversation but she shakes her head while smiling: "I think it cleared up."
That is good to hear. Yet, when she closed the crack in the hallway, she forgot it even happened. Feeling his head spinning again he holds his thoughts, glad he got to speak to Viola. For some reason appreciative of it. As she walks away Xehanort hears another pair of steps approaching.

Braig rests his elbow on the old man's shoulder, effectively pulling hin down a little and begins to mock: "How come you two are so close already? Did I miss something? One could think she's your granddaughter or something."
"You didn't miss anything. We're just being respectful towards each other."
A smirk covers Braig's face. There is no reason for her to treat Xehanort the same way the others do. For now. Until he needs to tell her who he is. What he's done... How would she react? All these thoughts and questions run through the elder's head. Not paying much attention to Braig's bold laughter.

"I don't see what is so amusing.", Xehanort harshly responds but Braig keeps on laughing: "Oh boy, that'll be a struggle."
He laughs even louder now: "You ever took care of a female pupil?"
What is that supposed to mean? Sending him away, Xehanort cannot wait to train her. And he will not be able to ruin the excitement. He leaves while the end of his red scarf loosely flutters behind: "To be fair, you didn't treat your boys well either. Hell, you didn't even treat me well and I'm a grown man."

He worded it as if taking care of a girl was difficult. As if she is a little child. She is far from it. Yes, it will be a new experience, but if an alcoholic can do it, so can Xehanort. Braig's words leave his mind fast, almost dismissing the entire situation.

The past few months had been awful. It is nice to finally have something to do instead of being in my room, writing or reading. With the girl around, I feel as though my life has some sort of purpose again. Now that I'm supposedly not allowed to pass away.

To make matters more strange, with more time looking at her, the more I realize that Yen Sid was correct. When I look at her, I see Eraqus. They are so alike and yet so different.
Is that why I found her odd? And why do I suddenly think of him so much?
Am I supposed to mourn over the man I've considered my brother?
I struck him down
with no remorse.


Sadly, the next morning isn't as quiet as most hoped it would be. The boys' room under Kairi and Viola is behaving like they're hosting a party! While the three celebrate something, or rather only Sora and in a way Ienzo, Kairi just keeps laying in bed, takes her pillow and presses it on her face. After a few twists and turns, she decides to stand up with the typical expression of annoyance: "Are they serious?"
Her hair is very messy and the bags under her eyes are enough of a clue to see that she didn't get a lot of sleep.

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