Part 7

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Yunlan phoned Lin Jing after he had left the hospital to inform him that he would be a little longer, that he had something important to deal with first and then he would be back as soon as possible. He usually only met the minister in charge of his department once a month or if there was an emergency to deal with, so he really didn't know what his reaction was going to be after he had given him Shen Wei's letter.

He phoned the secretary and asked to speak to the minister, explaining that it was important and could he see him this morning. The secretary knew Yunlan and if he said that it was important then, yes it was, and she slipped him into the schedule after morning coffee. he arrived early and was shown into the sitting room where the minister was still drinking and he offered Yunlan a cup.

"No thank you sir, I'll come straight to the point, I have a sealed letter to deliver from Shen Wei, he is recovering in hospital from a coma, and asked me to give you this. I don't know what the contents are but I trust him when he says that he'll tell me when he's able."

"You are close friends, I take it, otherwise he would not have given you this. I don't have to read it because anything he asks of me, I will give."

The minister's hands shook as he sliced the letter open, and started to read it, slowly absorbing every word, until he sighed at the end and folded it carefully replacing it back in the envelope.

"How is he now?"

"He can communicate with me but not talk yet, and he can see and hear normally. He woke up during the night."

"The noise is gone then, thankfully. I owe him much more than I can ever repay. If he needs anything, just ask. And you also, just ask. Give him my regards and my respect always."

Yunlan thanked him and bowed in respect but left the residence completely confused as to why Shen Wei held so much power over a minister who was willing to do anything for him and one of his friends. He would have to sit on his curiosity rather than look into it, no way was he going to break the trust between him and Wei but it was not something that he would forget.

When he arrived back at his own office, it was only one hour later than his usual and Shen Wei had agreed to him telling his staff the basics of why he was missing every day, so he removed his jacket and brought a coffee over to talk in the middle of the main office, rather than his own.

"My boyfriend is called Shen Wei, remember the first armed bank robbery, the person we brought in for questioning, him, the same one. Questions."

"How's he doing now?" Lin Jing asked realising that Yunlan was free to talk about him.

"He can communicate with me now, but still not speak, and he loves your hot chocolate." It took about ten seconds before Lin Jing understood the meaning and he shook his head and smiled at Yunlan who grinned back.

"Why was he in hospital?" Da Qing asked.

"He went into a coma and was unconscious for a few days, any more questions... no... feel free to ask, Wei gave me permission to tell you."

Yunlan felt on top of the world, better than he had been for a long while and was eager to find the masked robbers.

"Chu and Da Qing, start looking at the areas where the banks were robbed, maybe there's something we're missing. Check and see if there are other ones in the same areas and we'll start watching them. Once we find out how many, we can work out the hours of surveillance."

"Suppose there are too many for us to manage, we are only a small team. Who do we prioritise?" Lin Jing asked.

"We don't, we watch them all, we'll have help when  needed from the minister."

Lin Jing followed Yunlan into his office. "How did you manage to get the minister to agree with you on that?"

"Don't ask, because I don't know, and even if I did, I couldn't tell you." and Lin Jing left even more confused as when he had entered.

It felt good not knowing if it meant seeing the confused look on Lin Jing's face and Yunlan smiled non stop for the rest of the afternoon. It had been a brilliant day for Shen Wei and for Yunlan, the bank robbers were being investigated more thoroughly with possible help when needed, and Shen Wei was improving at a remarkable rate.

The staff in Wei's ward were delighted with his progress and kept him monitored for any sudden unexpected changes, but so far he was doing really well. They knew all the faces of the visitors, so when a stranger turned up, he was followed by several nurses with different pieces of equipment making them look normal, and the hidden security cameras.

The man was dressed in a smart looking suit, shirt and tie, a bit formal but didn't look like threat in any way, heading straight for Shen Wei's room followed by two nurses who never hid their presence. He glanced around before entering, and withdrawing a knife from his inner jacket pocket, he lunged at Shen Wei to kill him but was stopped by one of the nurses who threw an automatic syringe at him, loaded with a tranquilliser. He dropped the knife, fell to the floor and was then dragged away by two large security men, hidden out of sight to be questioned later. Everything happened so fast that no one except the staff saw what had occurred, and Shen Wei who was not likely to complain or say anything about it, because that's why he was in a very private hospital with limited patients, the ones who needed the most protection.

Yunlan arrived immediately afterwards, oblivious to everything and entered Wei's room pleased to see him still alert but the staff had moved him slightly, to avoid pressure injuries, and he approached him while dragging his usual chair over to sit. Before he sat down, he first stared into Wei's beautiful eyes and leaned over to kiss him, noticing that he looked a bit tired.

"Are you alright, are you tired, do you need a nurse?"

Shen Wei shook his head as in NO, and Yunlan was delighted that communication had improved but was still a bit concerned about his condition, and he asked him one question at a time. He was tired but never said anything about his knife wielding visitor. Yunlan explained that after he had taken the letter to the minister, he had been offered any help that he required. He then talked about the team and the armed bank robbers while watching Wei's condition getting worse and buzzed for a nurse. Gelan came in and greeted him.

"He's very sleepy, is there something wrong or is he just tired?"

Gelan checked the machine readouts and took his pulse. "No, he seems to be fine, maybe just tiredness. We'll lay him down for the night, if you could stand over there, that would be alright, you don't need to leave the room."

Gelan rang for help and another nurse entered, between the two of them they managed to lower Shen Wei to a more comfortable lying position and replaced his covers before leaving the room, allowing Yunlan to return to the side of the bed.

"You've had a busy day, sitting watching everyone, learning new movement, tasting chocolate," and Yunlan grinned. He reached for Wei's hand and held it, as he watched him fight the sleep that was calling him and gently soothed the side of his face, pushing his hair back as Wei closed his eyes and gave in. Yunlan tip toed out and said goodnight to Gelan, going home to his own bed. He was well away from the hospital when the six strong tall thin men dressed in black, took up their positions in front of Shen Wei's room, like an impenetrable wall. No one would pass them without their consent and only Gelan had that.

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