Part 13

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The minister informed Lin Jing about the new member of staff who would be starting because he thought that they needed more manpower in the office, he could help with the paper work. The call came through before Yunlan arrived at the office and Lin Jing was forced to agree rather than say no to the minister. He was more nervous about how Yunlan would react but he could see the exhaustion written in his face when he arrived and realised that it was a good move whether it was the minister who appointed this person or someone else. He followed Yunlan into his office and waited until he sat down. Yunlan lowered his head and put his two hands over his face, eventually saying to Lin Jing,

"Can't talk about it just now, maybe later, spent the whole day at Wei's side yesterday."

Lin Jing knew enough not to ask questions, "I'll get the new guy to bring you a drink, coffee?" On leaving the office, he signalled to the tall slim man with the pony tail to take a coffee to Yunlan and introduce himself.

Yunlan watched the new guy as he entered the office and placed the coffee before him, knowing at once that he was a guard but waited to see what story he was going to tell him.

"The minister thought that you needed extra help to deal with the paper work in the office, that's why he sent me," and the guard tried to appear more confident than he was.

"Name? And you do realise that in this office, no one stays in, we all work in the field, do you have any work experience with the general public?"

"Guo Ying, and yes I have dealt with the public in many situations, Sir."

"No Sir, just boss, 'till I know you better, and before I would risk putting you with one of my staff, you have to prove yourself with me, shadow me." Yunlan was doing this for several reasons, he didn't like the thought that a guard had been put in his office and knew that it was not the minister's idea, secondly, he wanted to know why he was there and lastly how good were these guards. Being within the confines of a hospital ward was one thing but how good were they outside in the real world, so he would partner Guo Ying for a couple of days to find out.

"Lin Jing, you're in the office today, Ying you're with me," and he left without waiting for the new man to catch up. The posh car was waiting for him as usual with his driver who noted that he was on his own today.

"No partner today? Sir," he said to Yunlan as he entered and slammed the rear door closed.

"He's on his way, we'll wait one minute and if he's not here, leave without him," he said with his temper slightly showing while studying his watch. The second hand reached 55 seconds and the car door opened and closed quickly as the out of breath man sat down in the back of the car. Lucky, Yunlan thought.

"We're going down town today driver, to show our new recruit the area." Yunlan told the driver who looked worriedly at the guy with the pony tail.

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