Part 25

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Yunlan lay on his back on the old gurney, straps across his hips and ankles to restrict his movements which were really not necessary because any small change in his position was rewarded with intense spinal pain. When he thought about his situation, he was thankful to whoever had taken him, that they had considered using these straps which kept his body securely in the one position. How he was going to survive this ordeal was another matter.

He had only seen two men since he'd woke up and one of them was holding a syringe full of what ever they were planning to use on him but they were waiting on orders, they had a boss somewhere else and he suddenly realised why he was here. They were using him against Shen Wei and there was nothing he could do except wait, so he carefully studied everything in the room, hoping that something would be useful if he could tolerate the pain on moving.

Obviously they had brought him to an old hospital which would have been ransacked for drugs after it's closure, so no help there, it looked as if he was on the ground floor, so no stairs involved, and because he was restrained, he imagined that they would not have gone to the bother of locking the doors. Things were looking better, even although his situation had not improved.

He studied his two captors, both were slim and looked about his age but it was difficult to tell how strong or agile they were from this angle, yet they had transported him with ease, so they were no light weights and that could be a problem because at the moment, he was useless in defending himself. The one holding the syringe kept close to him most of the time, only walking away to glance outside checking that there were no unwanted guests arriving, but he was impatient. He'd had no calls or messages informing him of the situation with Shen Wei which worried him, completely different to the other guy who was sitting on the floor calmly drawing with some chalks he had found lying around.

What kind of hospital was this or what unit of the hospital did this used to be? Drawing was associated with some kind of therapy, to reduce stress or a way of understanding the mind, locked doors? Psychology department he thought, there would definitely be a lot of barriers to stop him from trying to escape, think of all the ex- patients who never managed it and they weren't tied to a gurney. His only hope was for someone to find him, he had to try and draw them here by sending a message to the only one who would hear him, so he concentrated and called out his name, waiting to see if there was a reply.

Shen Wei was amazed at the quality of the illusion created by Kunlun's hologram, he really did have a taste for the theatricals and this was amazing. He had catered for their wildest dreams of hidden treasure, making it impossible for any one of them to decide on what to claim first with no thought of how to take it out.

"I understand now why your father kept all this hidden, I know some of the pieces but there are unknown items down here. He could have built a chain of hospitals with this wealth and still have plenty left over." Mister Yan said, as he lifted one of the unrecognisable gemstones and giving it to Shen Wei asking what it was called and it's value. Wei held it up to the light and studied it as the mist inside rotated while the familiar figure appeared smiling and speaking to him.

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