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    "Kick my seat one more time and you'll be finding worms in your pillowcase tonight."

    "I didn't kick your seat!" Wrecker shouted at Crosshair, throwing his arms up in frustration. He then pointed accusingly at the person next to him. "Sunny did it!"

    Sunset matched Crosshair's glare. "You scuffed up the fresh paint on my helmet, you're lucky I'm not putting worms in your pillowcase."

    "We are going to be eating worms if we don't return to Kamino soon for more resources." Tech chimed, walking past the three of them. He sat down in the pilot seat, something he claims that only he owns. "Which we will be doing after this mission."

    Sunset dropped down into the copilot seat, pulling one leg up to her chest. She was excited to get on the ground, hoping that a certain General would be there since his Commander was the one to contact them.

"You'd think the mission on Yalbec Prime would be enough to get at least a little time off." Sunset complained, watching them break through the clouds. The base comes into view, tucked into the side of a mountain.

    Something cold fell into the neck of Sunset's blacks and she gasped, reaching in and pulling out a live worm. She spun her chair around and punched Hunter in the shoulder while grimacing. "I hate you."

    Hunter just continued laughing, giving Wrecker a high five before taking his seat like the others. Crosshair slid his helmet on, hiding his smirk while watching Sunset walk off with the worm in her gloved hand, trying to find the little container it was previously in. It didn't come as a shock that it was in Tech's storage compartment, where he kept little things to research before he released them back into the wild.

    Why out of all things would he pick a worm to study, Sunset did not know. But she learned long ago that her mind was nothing like Tech's and that she shouldn't question anything scientific her brother engages in.

    She returned to her seat in time to hold on tight as they landed roughly, blowing away a few things on the tarmac and disturbing quite a few soldiers.

    Sliding her helmet on, she and her brothers began to file down the steps of the Havoc Marauder. First Hunter, then Tech, Sunset, Crosshair, and lastly Wrecker. A few feet away waited four regular clones, regs, as the Bad Batch liked to call them. One was Cody, but the other three they had never met before.

    Wrecker was the first to remove his helmet. "The cavalry has arrived!" He announced loud and clear for the entire base to hear. The five of them approached the regs, stopping once they were an arm's length away.

    Hunter and Crosshair removed their helmets, then the Sergeant gestured for the remaining two to remove theirs as well. Sunset rolled her eyes, sliding her helmet off at the same time as Tech.

    "These guys are clones? They don't look like clones to me." One of the regs, a combat medic, whispered to the guy on his left.

    "That one's a woman." The reg with the Republic symbol tattooed on his head says back.

    Sunset just smiles, redirecting her gaze to the clone in white and yellow.

    Commander Cody approaches the squad, being the only one familiar with them. "Sergeant, good to see you again." He greets, shaking hands with Hunter.

    Cody glances back at the three men in blue and white armor. "This is Hunter." He introduces.

    "Sorry we're late, Commander. We were putting down an insurrection on Yalbec Prime when your comm came in. Had a few unforeseen...complications." Hunter explained.

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