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Turns out, selling Echo was even more helpful than just the 3,000 credits. While Sunset, Hunter, and Wrecker were in pursuit of Omega, Echo recruited the shop owner's other droids to put the ship back together.

Sunset ducked under a crate of meilooruns that two people were transporting, the skid of her feet causing a gust of dirt to rise up behind her as she briefly slowed her pace to assess the three-way street. Pressing the button on her comm, she glanced up at one of the traffic cameras. Her other brother was on the other side of those. "Tech, which way?"

"Left. Omega is hanging from a maintenance tower in the skyway."

"Hanging?" Hunter questions.

Sunset dug her fingers into the curls atop her head, bunching them up as she formed a plan.

"For now. I suggest you hurry."

She watched a weequay park his speeder on the curb, pocketing his keys. Sunset casually made her way over, pretending not to notice his presence when she "accidentally" bumps into his side, pickpocketing the keys. "Sorry, sorry." She apologized quickly, giving him a small wave with her free hand.

Then she took off running to his speeder, turning it on and speeding down the street on the left.  Sunset ignored the distant screaming by the man she stole the speeder from.

The buildings went by in a blur, her hair annoyingly blowing into her face. Sunset swerved another corner and found herself driving into oncoming traffic, but her eyes were focused on the tower where a small figure hung from the ledge, a second person bending down and speaking to her. At first she thought it might have been one of her brothers, but quickly realized it was a woman—the woman, who was after the kid.

Sunset increased her speed, making it to the tower in time for the woman to let go of Omega's hand. The kid screamed, thinking she was falling to her death. Sunset leaned forward, holding out her hand, just barely grabbing onto Omega's sleeve. "Gotcha!" She shouted, hoisting Omega onto the speeder. She heard the shout of annoyance from the mysterious woman, who jumped down and grabbed onto the handle.

The added weight caused the speeder to tip sideways, making its way toward a building. Sunset's eyes widened in surprise and she headbutted the woman, stunning the both of them.

"Sunset!" Hunter called from several feet beneath her. She met his eyes, watching him wave his hands to the seat of the speeder he evidently had stolen. Sunset pulled out her vibroblade, slashing the air in front of the woman, who narrowly missed getting sliced only because the speeder jolted from a streetlight it had hit.

While she was distracted, Sunset let go of Omega, who fell down onto Hunter's speeder. Then, she herself let go and grabbed Hunter's hand, her feet dangling over the traffic on the lowest level. Hunter grunted, hoisting Sunset up to sit behind him.

"We're not outta this yet." Hunter says with clenched teeth, activating a detonator. Sunset looked back, observing the woman regain control of the other speeder and take off towards them. The Sergeant hands his sister the detonator, who then launches it through the air. It attached to the front of the woman's speeder and she jumped off mere seconds before it detonated.

Finally, the three clones had lost her trail and they set off for the Marauder.

"We need to go. Now." Hunter says urgently the second the speeder slows to a stop. Sunset helped Omega down and then the two of them ran up the steps of the Marauder, taking their seats in the cockpit with Echo. Hunter followed in with Tech and Wrecker in tow.

The goggled clone sat in his pilot's seat, starting up the ship and quickly departing from the hangar bay. The second they were out of the moon's atmosphere, they launched into hyperspace and the tension started to wear off. They were safe...for the moment.

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