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"At least with the Republic we knew where we stood. Tarkin and this Empire are a whole different story." Tech said when they arrived at the Marauder. They stood outside of it, not ready to fly out of here and return to Kamino.

Sunset was hiding her saddened face behind her helmet. She had made up her mind. She did not stand with the Empire. Even if that meant she would be tossed out, she didn't care. It was about time she focused harder on her own health as well as the baby's. The Empire wasn't safe, so she would run far from it.

"Why are we debating this? We need to complete the mission." Crosshair chimed.

Sunset felt her stomach churn, and the familiar cold sweat returned. Now was not the time to get sick.

Echo shook his head. "Wake up, Crosshair. They sent us to eliminate innocent civilians."

"Who said they're innocent?" Crosshair argued. Sunset was extremely close to snapping Crosshair's beloved rifle in half.

She was also extremely close to puking.

"What's wrong with you?" Hunter questioned, his voice laced with anger.

"Me? I'm following orders." Crosshair snapped back just as venomously.

"Exactly." Hunter retorted.

Sunset took a few steps away from her brothers, beginning to slightly bend forward like it did something to help with the nausea. She pulled her helmet up to rest on top of her head, breathing in the fresh air.

"Those insurgents are plotting against the Emperor. If you don't have the stomach to do what needs to be done, then you're not fit to lead this squad." Crosshair hissed.

Sunset bent forward even more and out came her stomach contents. And panicking because her brothers were witnessing this only made it worse.

"Waowh! What was that!" Wrecker shouted in shock, pulling Sunset's helmet the rest of the way off of her head.

A branch snapped in the distance and Hunter whipped out his blaster, firing without wasting a second. A probe droid fell to the ground and rolled towards Crosshair's feet.

"Sunny, are you okay?" Echo asked, brows knitted together in concern.

She gave him a thumbs up before one last wave of nausea hit her and she completely emptied her stomach of all food. And then she stood up straight, taking her helmet from Wrecker and putting her focus back into the work.

Wrecker eyed the probe droid while he rested a supportive hand on Sunset's back. "Tarkin's spying on us now?"

"The Jedi never did that." Echo chimed, glancing at Sunset with a concerned look on his face.

"Not that you know of." Crosshair retorted.

Hunter furrowed his brows, recalling a conversation he had with a certain blonde. "Omega."

"What about her?" Echo wondered.

"Who's Omega?" Sunset asked, having a brief moment of pregnancy brain before it clicked...but not fast enough to avoid the incredulous looks on all of her brothers' faces. The blonde kid that followed them around Kamino after Order 66. "Oh, yeah. Nevermind, I remember her. Continue."

Hunter stopped at the steps of the Marauder, giving Sunset a concerned look before answering, "She warned me about the mission. And Tarkin. She said not to return to Kamino, that it's not safe for us anymore."

Wrecker grunts. "Maybe she's right."

Tech went up the steps, stopping in the doorway to lean against it. The others remain on the ground, huddled in an awkward semicircle.

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