18.This is Where You'll Stay

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"You did what?" Hunter growls, slamming his fist on the table.

"Who did what?" Sunset asks from across the room, but instead of an answer she watched Hunter storm out of the house. She, Wrecker, Cut, and Suu followed him out in time to see the Marauder being seized by the Empire.

"Tech!" Hunter hisses, hoping the goggled clone had a good explanation for this.

"This was the simplest solution." Tech responds.

"Getting our ship impounded is not my idea of a solution." Hunter retorted, shaking his head in disbelief.

"We'll meet you at the spaceport with the chain codes. I have this under control." Tech answers calmly, deciding not to feed into Hunter's temper by raising his own voice.

"There's one big problem." Hunter continued, eyes narrowing. "Omega's on the ship."

"I think it's a good plan, Tech." Omega's voice is heard off in the background. Sunset couldn't help but smile in amusement. Hunter was so pissed and yet both Tech and Omega don't even acknowledge it.

Hunter, Wrecker, and Sunset quickly helped the Lawquane family finish packing their bags and then they set out for the town. Sunset dreaded every step she took, knowing that each one meant she was closer to saying goodbye to Omega. She didn't want the blonde to go, she wanted to get to know her, she wanted to know her little sister.

Hunter was the Sergeant, though. He made up his mind and there wasn't any point in arguing with him. Omega was going away.

Adjusting her grip on the two bags of luggage she carried, Sunset let out a soft sigh while her head swiveled around the busy town. Civilians were being harrassed by regs for the littlest of reasons, the faces of everyone appeared more gloomy, and the overall vibe of the town was quite off-putting. It seems like everywhere feels like that these days.

"Tech, we're in the spaceport. What is your status?" Hunter asked, speaking quietly into the comm so they didn't draw any attention to themselves.

"In progress. The encryption shouldn't be a problem." Tech responds before going silent.

Sunset glanced up at Wrecker, realizing he was the only one of them who didn't know Omega would not be leaving Saleucami onboard the Marauder. She debated on telling him, but ultimately decided not to because she knew he would take it the hardest out of all of them. He might even cause a scene and stop it from happening.

"Mom, I don't like this." Jek voices, grabbing onto Suu's hand.

"Everything will be okay." Suu comforts, glancing down at her son with a soft expression.

Hunter was being impatient again, ringing the comm. "Hurry up. We need those chain codes to get them on the shuttle, or we're gonna have to blast our way outta here." He urged. With the way things went for the Bad Batch, Sunset had a feeling they would end up blasting their way out of here anyway.

"Don't worry. I can slip through security unnoticed and deliver the disks to you momentarily."

The group stopped just short of the line for the security check, unable to go any further without the chain codes. Hunter turned his head to hide his recognizable face. Cut and Wrecker hid theirs under their hats, and Sunset was...well, a woman, whose face was built a little more different, and not a lot of the regs know about her. Nobody would know she's a clone unless they looked at her DNA.

Sunset placed the two bags by her feet, letting out a breath while she pressed both hands into her lower back, which ached a considerable amount.

"The chain codes are en route...with Omega." Tech says suddenly. Sunset's jaw drops and she shares an incredulous look with Hunter.

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