20. The Life You Would Have Had

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After walking a good distance, the group of three came to a stop when a soft repetitive beeping was heard not too far away.

"See it?" Hunter whispered.

Sunset nodded. "I see it." She confirmed, shining her flashlight onto the device.

"Wait here." Hunter tells both girls as he steps over the knee-high rock spikes. He slowly makes his way toward the device, his steps careful and quiet. He was about to reach down and grab it when a guttural growl came from behind a rock.

Sunset whipped out her blaster, quickly attaching her flashlight to the top of it. The Ordo Moon Dragon appeared about three feet from Hunter, and it didn't look happy. She couldn't get a clear shot, it was too big of a risk. "Hunter, get out of the way." She hissed.

Hunter took a step to the side. Sunset fired and hit the ground beneath the dragon. It tackled Hunter to the ground, his flashlight rolling out of his hand and mask detaching from his face.

The dragon took the capacitor and ran off while Sunset and Omega sped over beside Hunter, who had inhaled too much of the air and passed out. "Hunter!" Sunset shouted, placing the toxin mask back onto his face and turning it on. She lightly tapped his cheek while calling his name again.

When he didn't wake, Sunset placed two fingers against his neck to check for a pulse. She felt a strong thumping, which led her to let out a relieved breath. Hunter just needed to breathe in some oxygen from his mask and he'd be ok.

"Omega," Sunset began, turning to her left where the kid had been sitting, only to find that she had disappeared. "Omega?"

Sunset placed a hand on her forehead, eyes widening. She lost the kid. And as she took a second look at Hunter, she noticed that his blaster was now missing.

Oh kriff.

Oh kriff.

Hunter is going to kill Sunset when he wakes up.

Sunset shook her head, unsure whether to leave Hunter and find Omega, or stay with her brother. The first option sounded better, Hunter would want her to prioritize the kid over him. So Sunset continued through the darkness, calling out for the blonde girl.

The strong wind blew loose curls into Sunset's eyes and she cringed, knowing that the storm was getting worse. Picking up her pace, she anxiously called out, "Omega, can you hear me?" Thankfully the Force was on the clone's side today because a second light shined in Sunset's face. The smaller figure lowered the flashlight, revealing Omega's innocent eyes.

Omega pointed to a hole that was too deep and dark to know where it led to. "I found the creature. It's in there."

Sunset placed a hand on Omega's shoulder, reassuring herself that the kid is real. She sighed in relief. "Don't run off like that." Sunset lightly scolded, removing Hunter's blaster from the girl's belt. "Now, are you sure the dragon is in there with the capacitor?"

Omega nodded firmly. "I saw it."

Sunset attempted to crawl inside the hole, and got about waist deep before she was unable to go any further. Muttering a curse, she pulled herself out and let out a conflicted sigh. Omega was probably the only living being on this moon that could fit besides the Ordo Moon dragon. It was dangerous, but without that part they would waste away on this spinning rock.

Omega saw the look of deep contemplation on Sunset's face and decided to at least try and make the decision a little easier. "I'll do it. I'm not afraid."

Sunset started chewing on her lip, realizing there was no other option. The longer they waited, the greater the chance that the dragon would destroy the part. Handing Hunter's blaster back to Omega, she spoke, "Be very careful, okay?"

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