19.Someday, Somehow

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Sunset stared in the mirror at her side profile after changing back into her black undersuit, forgetting how obviously pregnant it made her look.

She rolled the bottom of her shirt up to the top of her stomach, looking at the abs that have just started to fade away to make room for her womb to expand.

And as much as she dreaded putting her armor on, it was the only way she could really hide her pregnancy anymore. The black and red plasteel armor made her bulky, therefore drawing less attention to the growing curvature of her stomach.

Sunset rolled her shirt back down, grabbing pieces of her armor and beginning to put them on. Her curls had started to fall out of the braided crown she always wore, and she had to blow one that was tickling the bridge of her nose out of the way.

The armor process took about ten minutes, and by the end of it the clone with heightened stamina was on the verge of becoming breathless. Sunset stepped out of the bathroom, walking past Omega, who was sitting with her back against a tipped over Gonky, and making her way into the cockpit.

"I know, like, nothing on this ship works at the moment, but does our transmission system function?" Sunset asks, stepping between Tech and Echo's seat and pressing the button anyway. Nothing happens, and she lets out a disappointed sigh. Her anxiety begins to rise again as she worries about Obi-Wan.

The lights briefly shut off in the ship before flickering back on. Tech grumbles something under his breath, choosing to avoid it so he can keep working on his inhibitor chip scanner.

"Echo, lights cut out again." Hunter chimed from the hull.

Sunset scoffed. "Really? We hadn't noticed."

"Is your name Echo?" Hunter gave her an annoyed look from across the ship. "I thought you fixed it." He continued, raising an eyebrow at the ARC.

Echo took a bite of his ration bar, shrugging. "Yeah, add it to the list." He grumbled, swiveling his chair around. "The ship got hit hard when we fled Saleucami. Several systems have been glitching ever since. Repairs would go faster if I had some help." He said, narrowing his eyes at Tech.

The goggled clone didn't look up from his project. "As soon as I finish building this scanner. Testing the functionality of our inhibitor chips takes precedence."

Echo furrowed his brows. "But I thought you said they were defective."

"A theory this device will be able to prove." Tech responded. "Besides, the ship-wide diagnostic report indicated no critical systems were compromised."

The ship instantly jolts and Sunset grabs onto Echo's seat for support. "What were you saying?" She asked, watching the Marauder fall out of hyperspace. Not normal. Not good.

Hunter hobbled his way into the cockpit, seeing the moon they were about to crash on. "Getting thrown out of hyperspace. I'd say that's pretty critical, Tech." He retorted, grabbing onto the back of Tech's seat.

Reaching up to press a button, Tech casually answers, "It's not affecting life support. We're fine."

"Are you kidding me?"

"We're not going to need life support in about a minute from now." Sunset shouted over the several alarms going off.

"The power capacitor's blown. We need to land immediately." Echo urged, straightening his back and beginning to run through the routine for a situation like this.

Sunset made her way back into the hull, knowing the seats in there were safer. She found Wrecker lifting the straps for Omega as he told her, "Get ready for your first crash landing."

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