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Sunset had been to Naboo once before. But she had never been to this part of the planet. It was full of rich people with snotty personalities and people who bad talk others behind their backs.

The second she and Obi-Wan entered the large manor she got the overwhelming urge to just walk right back out the door. But the Jedi had linked his arm with hers. It was supposed to be to show she was with him, the same reason every other man or woman did with their date, but he was doing it more to keep her from running away.

"Why do people enjoy this?" Sunset wondered out loud.

"I do not know, dear." Obi-Wan responded, half paying attention to what she said. His eyes were subtly scanning the room, looking for their five targets. The grandfather, the Separatist leader, the mother and father, and the 21 year old son. He turned on his earpiece. "I have a visual of the grandfather, he's sitting at the head of the hosts' table."

Sunset glanced over her shoulder, spotting another one of their targets. "Son is huddled in the corner left of the entrance, surrounded by a clique of women."

"What about the parents?" Anakin's voice rang into the couple's ears.

Obi-Wan and Sunset move further into the room, acting like they were looking for a place to sit together. They shared a look after scanning the heavy crowd.

Sunset shook her head. "Negative. Parents aren't here."

"Rex and I will keep an eye out here, keep us updated."

Sunset let out a soft sigh, adjusting the way she stood, not used to her feet being tilted at an angle. Padme insisted on the heels. How she expected Sunset to run at all, the clone did not know. The probability of her taking her shoes off within the next ten minutes was increasing with each step she took.

The couple took a seat at a rounded table, where fancy dishes were set out on top of a textured white tablecloth. Sunset strung one arm over the back of her chair, sitting sideways to face Obi-Wan.

A server came over and asked what they wanted to drink. Obi-Wan was too concentrated on watching out for the missing targets, so Sunset just requested the same drink for the both of them.

The Jedi turned to face Sunset, nodding towards the hosts' table. "The mother has been located, speaking to the grandfather." Obi-Wan announced, speaking to both Sunset and the two listening in through the comms. He raised his glass and took a sip, humming in satisfaction. "You sure know how to pick a wine." He complimented.

Sunset chuckled, glancing down at her glass that rested on the table. "Tech's a wine connoisseur, I guess it rubbed off on me." She shrugged.

"The father is entering through the front door." Rex reported. "He's got the Separatist attendee trailing in behind him."

Obi-Wan and Sunset stood up, discarding their glasses of wine so that they could get to work. "Shall we go introduce ourselves to the owners of this extraordinary manor?" The Jedi asked, hooking his arm with Sunset.

"We shall." Sunset smiled, nodding to people they passed as they made their way to the hosts' table. The entire family and their Separatist ally had gathered together, and they paused their conversation when the couple approached.

"Pardon me, I'm Ben and this is my spouse, Sarah. We would just like to say how wonderful of a party this has been." Obi-Wan says, briefly pausing when his eyes met with the son of the family.

"Nobody else we know could organize such a well-run evening." Sunset chimed. In her mind, she had decided that the grandfather would be the easiest target to extract. The son and the Separatist ally were the more concerning ones.

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