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Sunset had checked to see if Obi-Wan had responded to her message yet, but still no answer. It's been five hours since they fled Kamino, and nearly two days since she tried to get in contact with her Jedi lover.

    She walked past Wrecker and Omega, who had fallen asleep on the floor after trashing the entire ship. Sunset dropped down into one of the chairs, her eyes burning from unshed tears.

    "Huh." Hunter grunts, leaning against the wall opposite of Echo, the two men observing the sleeping clones. "Well, this is a first."

    "Inspecting every corner of the ship finally tired her out." Echo responded, crossing his arms over his chest.

    Hunter chuckled. "Yeah, she's curious. I'll give her that."

    Echo sighs, turning to the Sergeant. "Hunter, she's a child. What are we gonna do with her?"

    Sunset rose from her seat, trailing back to the room. She kicks her shoes off, crawling into her bed with the rest of her armor still on. Facing the wall, she lets the anxiety and sadness on her face truly show. Every time one of her brothers says something like that, it causes her to recoil further back from telling them about the child growing inside of her.

    They would laugh at her, tell her she was unfit to be a mother, right? She's a clone, nothing more than that.

    Obi-Wan would make a good father though. But Sunset couldn't seem to get in contact with him. Or maybe he had seen her message, and no longer trusts her. She's a clone, so she wants to kill him like all the others. That's definitely what he thinks.

    "Everybody up! We're approaching Saleucami." Hunter announced from the hull. Sunset heard Wrecker's obnoxiously loud yawn, which was partly forced because he likes to annoy his siblings.

    Sunset sighed, forcing her heavy limbs to function. She sat up in her bed, fixing the pieces of hair that had fallen out of her braided crown so they wouldn't tickle her when she put her helmet on.

    Tech landed the ship in an opening and then they filed down the steps. Omega stopped at the bottom, breathing in the fresh air and feeling her skin warm up from the sun. She looked down, dropping to her knees and running her fingers through the loose dirt.

    "What's with her?" Wrecker asked in confusion.

    Omega picked up a handful of dirt, letting it run between her fingers and fall back to the ground. Her eyes widened in amazement. "Woah." She breathed out, smiling from ear to ear. "What is this?!"

    Tech looked at her blankly. "That would be dirt."

    Omega gasps. "It's amazing."

    Sunset raised her eyebrows, realizing Omega had only ever been surrounded by the walls of Kamino. A planet like this is entirely different from Tipoca City. All the clones felt the same when they finally shipped out for the first time. The Bad Batch found themselves on Shili for their first mission.

    Omega stood up, stomping around in the dirt while she approached the adults, looking around at the pine trees and bulbous crops.

    A storm off in the distance caught Hunter's attention. "Come on. Let's get moving."

    They walked single file with Hunter in the very front, leading them through the crops. Sunset was sandwiched between him and Tech. She remembers the last time they were here, before Echo had joined the team. And now that she thinks about it, that was quite some time ago.

    "So this friend of yours, what's he doing all the way out here?" Echo asked curiously.

    "Hiding. That's what deserters do." Tech responded.

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