10.Order 66

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The mission in fact was three weeks long, and by the end of it the squad was ready to go back to their day-to-day transfer between planets for quick demo-jobs and extraordinary infiltrations.

They returned to Coruscant for a quick resupply and then the five men set off for a meal at Dex's Diner. Sunset passed on the meal and instead made her way to the medical bay to find Kix.

Sunset's mind was constantly running through all the different things that could go wrong, things that could go right, and things that worried her beyond belief. She had sent herself into a panic at least four times in the last three weeks, and her brain was overworked from how much debating she was doing, trying to settle the differences between her heart and her mind.

But by the time the mission on Corellia was over, she still was unsure of what she wanted.

"How are you feeling?" Kix asked, getting the medical scanner ready.

"Pregnant." She responded frankly.

He laughed quietly, then waved the scanner across her abdomen. He assessed the results and reported back to her, "You're about ten weeks along, baby seems perfectly healthy." He observed her glazed over expression, and he lowered his volume to sound more sincere. "Have you come to a decision yet?"

Sunset shook her head absently. "I don't want this, but at the same time I really do. It's...infuriating. I can't...I can't choose."

Kix hummed, rolling the sleeve of her black undersuit up to her bicep and beginning to feel around her arm to find a good vein. "Maybe you'll get more clarity if you discuss this with the father. Why don't you bring him in and the three of us can talk?"

"No." So many things about Sunset's personal life were secret. Obi-Wan was at the very top of that list, and their accidental child was right below him. Only one person knew of the secret love between the Jedi and clone, while two knew about the baby. "He's not in the picture." She lied, unsure of what else to say.

Kix sighed, wrapping up the process of drawing her blood. "I'll send this off to the lab–don't worry, they won't know who you are, and I'll get back to you in a few weeks. This will also inform you on whether it's a boy or girl, if that's something you wish to know."

Sunset grabbed her helmet, sliding it onto her head. She rolled her sleeve over the blue bandage, hiding it from her brothers. "See you then." She said, hopping up out of the bed. Sunset paused, glancing over her shoulder at the medic. "Thank you, Kix."

He nodded at her. "It's no problem."

And then for the six weeks life got insanely hectic, even for the Bad Batch. Mission after mission with no end, no break, in sight. They ran from one planet to a moon and then another planet. Two missions where Sunset was completely oblivious to what was going on inside her body. Eight missions since Sunset's life-altering day on Coruscant, and they were currently on their eleventh in total.

She did have the chance to see Kix once more, but Sunset's mind had been focused on nothing except for clearing out the army of battle droids she came across at every location.

Days had blurred together, sleep felt more and more like a luxury. Clone Force 99 had made their way from one side of the galaxy to the other by hopping from one planet to another.

It came to no surprise that Sunset didn't like Kaller. It was really cold, she didn't like the cold.

But she was forcing herself to get through the day because just before they landed, the news came that they would finally be getting their first break after a month and a half. They were going to Coruscant, and Sunset was finally going to tell Obi-Wan that she was pregnant.

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