25.Ticking Time Bombs

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Five days later, Sunset eases back into the action.

Hunter is manning the gunner's mount, blasting the Rhokai that chased after them in space. The ship jolts upon taking a hit. "How much longer until we're in hyperspace, Tech?"

"That depends on when Echo plans on getting the drive back online." Tech retorts, giving the ex Arc-Trooper a glare.

Echo snarls, banging his fist on the console. "I'm working on it!"

"I don't think Ruby likes this very much!" Omega cringes. Sunset spins her seat around, peeking into the hull to check on the kid and the bounty.

"You named that thing?" Wrecker questions, sitting in the seat across from Omega's. Another hit makes the ship rattle.

"What's these guys' issue?" Sunset asks, gripping the sides of her seat.

"Well, we kinda stole from them." Omega answers. Ruby hisses in displeasure.

Tech held up a finger. "Technically, the Rhokai stole the lizard first. We are merely intercepting it."

"They don't see it that way." Hunter responds from the back of the ship. They take another hit. Ruby's crate falls out of the seat, busting open.

"It's loose! It's loose!" Wrecker screams, lifting his feet onto his seat as he trembles in fear.

Sunset shakes her head. "Out of all things a special forces explosives expert could be afraid of, you're scared of heights and foot-sized lizards."

Ruby jumps onto Wrecker's face. He screams like he's being gutted with a vibroblade. Sunset rolls her eyes, growing more annoyed by the minute. She digs her foot into his stomach, making him sit down so she could reach the lizard, tearing it away from his face. Ruby gets handed off to Omega, who locks her in the crate at the same time Echo gets the hyperdrive back online.

They blast into hyperspace, narrowly escaping the Rhokai.

Sunset's energy has entirely drained, so she trails back into the bedroom without another word. She collapses in her bed, forcing herself to take deep breaths to regulate her feelings.

A few minutes later, the soft patter of a child's feet catches Sunset's attention. Omega knocks on the doorway, Ruby's crate in her other hand. "Hi." She smiles softly.

Sunset wordlessly scoots towards the wall, lying on her back. She pats the open space next to her. Omega sets Ruby's crate on the floor and crawls into the bed with her sister, their arms pressing against each other and their eyes focused on Echo's bunk above them.

For a while the girls just sit in the quiet, but Omega starts a conversation Sunset knew would come at some point. "Why are you so sad?" The kid asks, her voice laced with concern and sadness.

Sunset doesn't answer at first. She opens her mouth, but closes it when her eyes start burning and the lump in her throat forms. It's all still so fresh. Sunset licks her chapped lips, eyes remaining focused on the bunk above. "I lost someone very important to me," She says, a tear slipping out of her eye, sliding over the red bump in the corner before coating her temple and soaking into her curls. "And it hurts so much."

Omega pouts her lips and turns on her side, wrapping an arm around Sunset. The kid's head rested on her shoulder, offering a comforting presence for Sunset to grieve in.

"That is one strange looking lizard."

Sunset watches Echo bite his lip to restrain himself from saying what they were all thinking. Instead, he says, "What's your client want it for?"

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