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Crosshair took the lead once the large group made it up the ladder. Everyone was on high alert for any more decimator droids or other types of Separatist/Techno Union technology being sent their way.

"Huh. This ventilation corridor acts as a cooling system for all the computers in the facility." Tech says, slightly amazed.

"How did you know it was up here, Echo?" General Skywalker asked, glancing over his shoulder to check on the ARC trooper, who was being supported by both Sunset and Rex. Though he leaned more on Rex while Sunset watched their backs since they were bringing up the caboose of the team.

"Well, they got access to my memory, and I got access to the Techno Union database. All their plans, inventory, building schematics–everything." Echo explained.

Hunter tilted his head. "You mean you can find us a safe way out of here?" He asked.

"You seriously still think there's a safe way out of this hellhole?" Sunset said with furrowed brows.

Echo pulled away from Sunset and Rex, finally strong enough to stand and move by himself. "Well, there is a way," he paused and let out a cough. "But you're not gonna like it."

Which is how they found themselves outside of the circular building, staring at a thin metal beam that went straight across to another circular building. Echo and General Skywalker stood in the very front, closest to falling a very tragic distance.

"I don't know about this." Rex expressed, moving to stand between the ARC trooper and Jedi.

"I'm telling you, there's a landing pad on that other building." Echo said, having to shout over the strong wind that roared loudly.

Hunter came up behind Echo. "So you think there's a ship there we can steal?"

"Well, I hope there's a ship we can steal."

Sunset chuckled. "I like this guy."

"Let's hope this trip isn't for nothing." Hunter retorted.

General Skywalker went first, then Echo and Rex. Hunter went behind them, which left the other four with no choice but to follow behind their Sergeant. Sunset found herself between Crosshair and Tech while Wrecker hesitantly stepped onto the pole last.

"Oh, boy. I can't even look." Wrecker said uneasily. "Just keep walking, Tech."

Tech hobbled a little before fixing his balance. "That's fine, but if you fall, don't take me with you."

"If there's anyone here who's gonna fall, it's going to be Hunter." Sunset chimed, looking at how poor the Sergeant's balance was. It was actually making her nervous, though she would never admit that out loud.

"Uh-oh. I looked." Wrecker cried out. "I think I'm gonna be sick."

"Don't panic, man." Sunset urged, lowering her arms and walking normally.

"Not gonna panic." Wrecker sounded so nervous.

"Hang on, Wrecker. We're almost there." Hunter comforted, but deep down he was panicking the same way.

"Gonna be okay. Breathe." Wrecker muttered to himself.

"Turn around! Go back!" General Skywalker shouted urgently. Sunset glanced ahead to see what the fuss was about. Her eyes widened at the sight of several squadrons of droids that began walking single-file across the beam.

But when they turned around to go back, they were met with the exact same sight. Droids were closing in on them and they had nowhere to go.

A blast landed on the beam, right between Sunset and Crosshair. The marksman began to lose his balance, restraining himself from grabbing onto Sunset to help regain his footing.

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