3.Skako Minor

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Crosshair slowed the speeder to a stop as they landed on the runway of the Republic base. Sunset was the first to hop out, slipping her helmet off to reveal a smile and a pink tint to her cheeks. "I'll catch up with you guys in a little bit." She says before running off.

    He was here somewhere on this base.

    It's not hard to find the head of ginger hair in a place like this. He stuck out like a sore thumb. Sunset found him in one of the halls of the base, talking to a 212th Captain and a shiny. But when his eyes landed on her he paused.

    "General Kenobi." Sunset said formally, crossing her arms behind her back like he has them.

    "Pardon me, gentlemen." He said to the two regs before joining sides with her. They continued walking down the hall, trying to find a more secluded place. "I didn't expect to see you here on Anaxes, but then Cody mentioned plans to take a small squad behind enemy lines and I had a feeling."

    Sunset smiled, turning her head to examine the Jedi's features. "It's been too long since we've crossed paths, I have to admit I was really excited to finally hear from Cody for the first time in a while." It meant she got to see Obi-Wan again.

    "I should ask him to request your squad's company more often. My men seem to work quite well with Clone Force 99." Obi-Wan thought out loud.

    "Is that the only reason?" Sunset asked with a mischievous smile. They stopped by a door, hidden away by a supply cart.

"You know that it isn't." He responded. Obi-Wan stepped in front of her, their faces but a few inches apart. A tension grew between them as they both thought back to one of their last conversations. "I believe that I recall we decided to keep things professional between us, Sunny."

She nodded vaguely, but she couldn't tear her eyes away from his lips. Nor he from hers. "It's forbidden for both of us, it would be for the best." She said quietly, though everything but her mind disagreed with that sentence.

This isn't even the second time they've had this conversation. Maybe the tenth. How could something so great be so forbidden?

"Do you really want it to end?" Sunset asked. You could hear the fear in her voice, though she tried her best to hide it. Obi-Wan picked up on it, he always did. He noticed everything about her, how couldn't he?

He didn't have to think, his answer was instant, but he stayed quiet for a few seconds, uncontrollably inching closer to her face like she was a magnet. "No."

Sunset nodded, finding it hard to breathe when he's so close. "Okay, then we're in agreement." She whispered, her eyes closing with his as their lips met. Every time their lips touch it feels like the first time, when in reality the number is a whole lot higher.

Obi-Wan's hand slides up to the nape of Sunset's neck while her hands rest on his shoulders. They pull away, but quickly fall into another kiss, enjoying the time that they have together. Sunset's hands slid down to his chest, wishing she had removed her gloves so she could feel the soft fabric against her skin.

Obi-Wan pulled away with a soft smile on his face. He rested a hand in the space right below her ear, running his thumb over her cheek. "How long will I have you here for?"

Sunset's face melted into his hand, missing all the physical touch she got with him. "Not sure. If you and the other Generals approve, we'll be going to Skako Minor to rescue a once-assumed-to-be-dead clone named Echo. After that we're headed back to Kamino for a short break and a supply restock."

Obi-Wan's comm beeped and he glanced at it, letting out a disappointed sigh. "That must be Master Windu. Looks like we'll be discussing the rescue mission now." He said, looking over Sunset's face, leaning down to share one more kiss before they depart. "I'll see what I can do to make our paths cross more often."

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