17.Everything's Changing

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"Troops should be pulling their forces, not securing a post. The war is over." Hunter frowned, briefly glancing at the shiny regs scattered through the town.

Cut chuckles. "Well, it doesn't feel that way."

Sunset glanced up, watching a ship being transported away. She turned to Cut. "When did they start seizing ships?" She asked.

"Three days ago." Cut answers, redirecting her and Hunter away from a bunch of regs. They continued down the dirt streets.

"Military ships?" Hunter asks.

Cut shook his head. "All ships. They're tagging them inside that impound lot." He explained, then gestured to a corner shop. "The stall's up ahead. Let's book the shuttle before we're spotted."

Sunset watched a mother pass by with a baby in the stroller, and she momentarily paused to watch them go before Hunter pulled her along. She furrowed her brows, wondering if a stroller was a necessity if you have a baby.

Her lack of knowledge around things like this is another thing that is scaring her. She needed to scour the holonet for information when she got back onto the Marauder.

"So, where will you and your family go next?" Hunter asked, making sure to speak in a low voice so people don't overhear. They stop at the stall and the Sergeant rests his arm on top of one of the crates.

"I suppose find a remote piece of land on a distant planet." Cut responds, picking up a fruit from the basket and observing it. "That's all we really need."

Hunter raised an eyebrow. "That's the key to not being found?" He questioned.

Cut scoffs, looking at Hunter and Sunset. "You wanna know how to disappear? Put being a soldier behind you and make a new life for yourself."

Sunset's lips parted and she let his words sink in, realizing that was something she and Obi-Wan had already planned to do. Only difference now is that she may have to do it without him, instead she'll be with her brothers and newfound sister.

"What do you want?" The vendor asks, looking up at the clones with raised eyebrows.

Cut cautiously looked left and then right before speaking, "I need to book passage on the next shuttle out of here." He whispered, holding out a handful of credits.

The vendor rested a hand on the crate of fruits. "Those credits won't do you any good without a chain code." She explained, rolling her eyes. "New galactic policy."

Cut, Hunter, and Sunset exchanged confused looks. Why has the policy for off-world transports changed? Frowning, Cut asks, "My what?"

The vendor rolls her eyes again and sighs, pointing to a hologram of an admiral. "Your chain code."

"...your individual chain code, every citizen can exchange their invalid currency for Imperial credits, thanks to the generosity of the New Galactic Empire. The war is over. With peace comes opportunity and prosperity for all." And then the Admiral disappears.

Sunset scoffs, shaking her head in disbelief. "Pure bullshit."

"It's not just ships." Hunter starts, expression hardening. "They're registering people too."

Cut sighs. "Getting off-planet's gonna be harder than I thought."

    Sunset stood outside watching the kids while the others were inside discussing their next plan of action to get the family off-world. She opted to stay out here, observing the kids to get a basic idea of what she's to expect in a few years from now.

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