15.The Escape

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Omega was copying Hunter, who sat on the other side of her. He leaned forward and rested his chin on his hand, the young blonde did the same. He sat up straight, she followed suit. Sunset found it adorable.

Echo was on the other side of Sunset, scratching his head while he tried to come up with a plan. Past him was Tech, and then Wrecker is sprawled out on the floor.

    Tech raised his head, stopping his leg bouncing. "I've got it." He announced. "Why didn't I think of it before?" He muttered, standing up and pushing Echo away from Sunset, taking his place.

"Sounds like your programming was glitching." Sunset joked, smirking at her spectacled brother. Wrecker chuckled.

Tech gave her a vaguely annoyed look before continuing. "This is not a prison."

"Yeah, well, I beg to differ." Echo scoffed.

Tech gave Echo the same look he gave his sister. "This is a Kaminoan facility. It was built prior to the Clone Wars. There were no barracks or prisons when it was constructed."

Hunter waved a hand. "Well, how does that help us?"

Tech lowered his voice to a whisper. "Because while these cells were retrofitted to hold normal individuals, they could not possibly account for someone like Wrecker." He explained smugly.

Wrecker stood up with an excited grunt. "Oh! You mean I could punch our way out?" He exclaimed loudly. The Coruscant Guards look over in their direction.

"Wow." Sunset said with raised eyebrows. "I'm glad you're letting the regs in on our plan." She says while the others shush Wrecker.

The large clone cringed, repeating his question like they didn't all hear him clear enough the first time. "You mean I could punch our way out?" He whisper shouted.

"If you punch the correct spot." Tech responded, waving an obvious hand.

Wrecker rubbed his fist excitedly. "Right. Show me where." He whispers.

Hunter rested his elbow on his knee, turning inward to face everyone. "If this is gonna work, we'll need some cover. Form a wall."

Sunset, Hunter, Echo, and Omega stood up, standing closer to the barrier while Tech went to assess a spot in the wall. Wrecker waited behind him with a giddy expression on his scarred face. Tech told Wrecker where to hit, then joined the others in their little wall formation.

A third Guard in red and white armor stopped in the doorway, holding a datapad in his hand while he spoke to the two other guards.

"Tell me when." Wrecker whispered loudly.

Hunter glanced over his shoulder at his youngest brother. "Now."

Wrecker punched the wall, holding back a great deal of his strength. He hopped back onto the bench, acting like nothing happened. The others stand casually, knowing the Guards were looking in their direction after the bang.

The three regs quickly returned to their conversation.

Wrecker checks the damage, or lack thereof. He groans. "Nothing happened."

Hunter looked over at Tech. "Are you sure this is gonna work?"

"Try it again. A little harder." Tech responds.

Sunset briefly looked at the regs. She crossed her arms over her stomach. "You're clear. Make it count this time."

"Okay." Wrecker whispers, pulling his arm back and punching a lot harder. He hops back into the seat and the others do their best to act normal again. This time the regs looked their way a little longer. They were growing suspicious.

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