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The group of clones walked for a while before setting up camp in a more wooded area. Most of them were sitting near the fire that Tech made, but Rex was sitting with Cody, and Hunter was off in the distance alone.

    "So, I get what makes the other Batchers unique, but what's so special about Hunter?" Jesse wonders, leaning towards Kix who sat beside him. He wasn't talking with the Bad Batch, but it's hard not to hear the conversation when you're sitting so close, so Sunset listened in while she ate her dinner.

    "He can put up with the other four." Kix whispers. Both him and the ARC trooper start snickering.

    Tech kneeled down next to Sunset, putting more wood in the fire that started to go out. "He was engineered with heightened senses. A place like the Cyber Center, Hunter can feel the electromagnetic frequencies from anywhere on the planet."

    Jesse nudged Kix. "And here I thought we were smart just using a holomap."

    Sunset raised an eyebrow. "Kix is smart, you not so much."

    "Maps can be wrong. Hunter never is." Tech continues, fully sitting down next to Sunset. She shares a look with him, having a nonverbal conversation with their eyes. To put it simply, they agreed that Jesse was full of himself.

    Most ARC troopers typically are.

    Rex approached the group, putting his foot down and speaking with a sharp tone, "Listen up. We have to move out."

    Crosshair hopped up off of the rock he sat on, taking a few steps closer to the Captain. "Commander Cody's in no position to move."

    "Already called in Evac. Kix will stay with Cody until it arrives. I'm in charge now." Rex explains. "And I've got a plan to get into that Cyber Center."

    Crosshair took his toothpick out of his mouth, stepping even closer to Rex. "If your plans are so good, why did Commander Cody have to call us in?"

    "You can't talk to Captain Rex like that!" Jesse defended his Captain.

    Sunset pointed at Jesse. "Because all of Rex's men are sissies." She answered Crosshair's question.

    Wrecker grabbed Jesse by the collar of his shirt, lifting him up in the air.

    Kix stood up, looking at Jesse who was being held up with one arm by Wrecker. "Put him down!"

    Crosshair pushed Kix's shoulder. "Stay out of it."

    "Watch it!" Kix pushed back.

    "Sissies." Sunset repeated.

    "Uh, guys, come on." Tech said, standing in place while watching the whole thing go down.

    Hunter stepped in with both a stern expression and tone. "Wrecker, drop him. Now." He ordered.

    Wrecker whined but did as the Sergeant said. Just not as gently as Hunter had hoped.

    Sunset laughed at Jesse, who laid on the ground.

    "Fellas, come on." Hunter said in disappointment. "We're all fighting for the same thing, right?" He looked directly at Kix and Crosshair, who were still wrestling with each other. They finally pushed each other away and began to straighten up their act.

Hunter sighed. "All right then. Let's cut the chatter and finish what we started. We'll do it your way, Captain. For Commander Cody."

Sunset straightened her back, sliding her helmet back on and nodding. A few of them reluctantly agreed.

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