21.Echo's In On It

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The blue civvies were much more comfortable than Sunset's black undersuit and rock-hard armor, so when she was asked to go out into the town with Echo, Hunter, and Omega, she was quick to agree.

After Tech and Wrecker bribed the man working in the hangar bay, they all quickly unloaded. Omega held a bag, the top open to allow Hunter to throw items in that they could sell.

Sunset placed her hand on Gonky's head, giving the large droid a soft smile. "You keep watch here, buddy. You're in charge."

Gonky honks in response, leaning against her leg like a dog happy to receive attention from its human companion.

Wrecker lets out a whine. "You can't sell that explosive. It's our last one." He argues. Sunset turns around to watch Hunter load the explosive into the bag Omega was holding.

"And it's the only thing we have worth any money." Hunter responds, giving Wrecker a stern look.

Echo lifted the mask he was wearing, resting it on the crown of his head. "You wanna eat, don't you?"

Sunset closed the bag and took it from Omega, slinging it on her back. "We have to make some sacrifices, Wrecker. I think you can spare an explosive so we can afford actual necessities."

Wrecker threw his arms up, deciding to complain about something else. "Why do Tech and I have to do all the repairs while you get to go sightseeing?"

""Sightseeing"?" Omega repeated, her eyes lit up in curiosity.

Hunter shook his head, holding up a hand. "No, no. This is a supply run. In and out, quickly and quietly." He corrects.

Echo nods in agreement. "Yeah. And you stick out too much." He tells Wrecker, gesturing to his tall, muscular figure. He towered over many crowds, drew a lot of gazes.

Wrecker scoffed. "Oh, and you don't?" He asked, referring to Echo's heavily pale skin and his three prosthetic limbs. Sunset rolled her eyes, about to go out into the town herself.

"Not dressed like this." Echo says confidently, pulling the mask over his face, standing with his back straight to appear as close to a droid as he possibly could.

"Alright, let's get moving." Hunter determines, rounding up his ducks and leading them out of the hangar bay. Before they got too far, however, Wrecker shouted after them;

"Hey! Bring back somethin' good to eat!"

Sunset grinned and whirled around to give him a thumbs up. She secretly had been craving a specific food for the last few days, and if she didn't get it this pitstop she would probably start crying. Her need for food was as bad, if not worse, than Wrecker's right now. She had a strong desire for a d'il pyykkle with blue-milk cheese.

The group of four had to come to a stop at a street parade filled with regs in their shiny white armor. Most citizens cheered for them, but Sunset took more notice of the ones that didn't. The ones that looked unhappy and afraid.

Once again, a hologram was seen of Admiral Rampart, informing everyone to register for their independent chain codes so they can exchange their invalid currency for the newly released imperial credits.

"What are they celebrating?" Omega inquires, standing on her tip-toes in an attempt to see over the crowd.

"The end of the war." Hunter answers, lowering his head just slightly.

Echo points to Rampart's projection with his scomp. "Chain code post like on Saleucami."

Sunset crossed her arms, unable to hide her displeasure. "They didn't waste any time corrupting the galaxy, did they?"

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