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A soft comfortable breeze blew through the open drapes, causing them to flutter in the air like the wings of a white swan. Sunlight shines through the open window, illuminating the small yet cozy room with taupe walls and dark wooden flooring. In the peaceful room, a boy with a pale complexion stands in front of a body size mirror, staring at his thin and small physique with a blank expression.

Is it natural to look in the mirror and not recognise yourself? He questioned himself, staring at his lifeless eyes and pale chapped lips, which were devoid of any color; it's not like he could distinguish any color anyway.

He gulped before putting on his old, overwashed uniform for the final time, then picked up his school rucksack as if it were the heaviest object on the planet and walked downstairs.

A sudden headache caused him to wince and close his eyes; it felt like an electric shock had passed through his brain, squeezing his skull as he covered his ears with his small hands, biting his lips so hard that they bled.

" Where were you last night? Don't you feel a tiny bit ashamed? If it wasn't for that child's burden, I would have left you a long time ago!!"

" Oh? Well, I was working late at night, so I'm not sure what you're talking about, but would you mind explaining these texts? What exactly is going on here? That's the fourth time I've caught you texting my colleagues this month! They would believe I am a failure who cannot satisfy my wife! Stop damaging my reputation, you whore!!"

" That is because you are a fucking loser! Where is the lie? Huh? Also, do you realize how hard I struggle to keep that rascal of a son that is good for nothing? ”

Shouting, yelling, and insulting were all part of his everyday routine at home. He should have become accustomed to it by now, yet he can't help but wish to escape this terrible reality. He raced away before his parents could see him and drag him into their dispute, like they had done many times before.

" Burden? Do you believe I am a burden as well?

He asked his friend, who was walking alongside him. His lone friend who opted to stay, even though no one can see him but the pale child himself, doesn't mind. Yes, it was his imagination, an imaginary buddy he made a year ago following an accident in which he lost his older sister, the only person who never abandoned him but eventually did. It was not a voluntary separation. It was a tragedy that mercilessly removed his only source of support, leaving him in the dark with no lamp to guide him.

"I don't want to attend school... I don't want to stay at home either... "

He whispered to his friend as he walked on the sidewalk of the damp streets, soaked from the heavy rain that had fallen overnight and continued into the morning. People were throwing him funny stares, but he was too tired to notice or fight back.


"Let's go to the arcade after school!" "It has been a while, you know?"

"yh why not also there is this new ramen shop near the station I want to visit"

"don't you get bored eating ramen all the damn time Jake?"

"don't you get bored eating bungeoppang all the damn time Riki?"

"stop you two my ears hurt"

How joyful! It's like a friend group you always want to join that seems carefree and great to hang out with, except for the fact that they used to be a group of four until they decided to give their friend some "space" and ended up ghosting him without realizing it.

Sunoo watched them from a distance, standing under a large old oak tree whose branches nearly covered the vast grass field beneath its shade. His throat felt dry. When he felt he was one of them, reality slammed him like a truck, revealing that he wasn't even a significant member of his friend group; he was nothing more than an extra.

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