771 45 28

Jungwon's pov-

Fluttering sound filled the dim lightened room when I spread new sheets on my bed and tugged all its corners neatly before placing the pillows and comfort in its place.

I turned to look at Jake hyung who was standing in front of my closed window looking at the heavy rain that was pouring down mercilessly.

" it never stops raining " I said with a soft chuckle and he chuckled in response. I sighed Before turning to look at Ni-ki who was still looking at the monitor on my study desk that displayed the entrance and my other rooms that my CCTV cameras captured.

" he said he will come back soon... "

I muttered more to myself and felt bitter how he didn't instead all I got was a call from him saying he will come back later he needs to go home for now. It was the last place he should go.

We all sighed simultaneously ignoring the weird feeling that was bubbling inside me. I'm sure everyone is feeling the same.

Are we making the same mistakes again?
Should we check on him?
Is it ok to leave him alone like that?
But last time we did and it almost ended us all...

Questions pooled inside my head that I don't know if I would like to find the answers for. We all skipped school today just for him now where is he? We wanted to spend time with him but where is he?

I didn't realize I was spacing out until I felt vibrations in my pants pocket. My brows frowned in curiosity as I fished my phone out of my pocket.

I felt a pang in my chest when I saw the caller ID displaying on my screen and without wasting any time I swiped the answer button and pressed it against my ear.

" Sunoo hyung-- "

" it hurts.. "

' huh? '

" save me.. "

" where are you? "

" home.. it hurts- wonie--- "

" hello? Sunoo hyung? Hello!?- SHIT! "



This feeling of suffocation won't go away.
It pierces in his heart like needles. Every time he breathes he feels like the needle only pierces deeper and deeper.

" agrhh.. "

A lean figure opened his eyes and instantly the pain of the skull crushing headache invaded him making him shut his eyes instantly and groan while clutching his head just to feel the gauze bandages wrapper around his head and his right ear.

Ignoring the familiar pain that always comes back to him at the end of the day, he sat up on the white hospital bed, the smell of disinfectant evident in the white square hospital room that is illuminated by the moon light reflecting on the glass windows and dancing zic zac wavey lines displaying on the patient's heart rate monitor that shows his beating heart inside his paining ribcage.

His whole body feels like getting stomped on mercilessly for hours and hours. He knows why. He looked at his saline tube attached to his left hand with some white tapes to secure it on the back of his palm. He looked up to see the half empty pouch of saline hanging on the saline stand.

' again '

' I failed to escape this hell once again '

He thought before removing the tapes from his hand, oxygen mask from his bruised face and cardiac biosensor from his chest that suddenly disconnected the wave rhythm that was dancing on the monitor screen making it go beep loudly.

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