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The smell of a warm cooked meal filled the room as a young man walked in before softly placing the tray full of freshly cooked dishes such as bibimbap that consists of warm rice topped with mixed vegitables, chicken, raw eggs as well as soy sauce and dollop of chilli pepper paste for seasoning in a black wooden textured bowl then there is tteokbokki with half sliced boiled egg in another black wooden textured bowl, besides it placed bulgogi that is served with a side of leafy vegetables like lettuce and spinach, which is used to wrap a slice of cooked meat, often times along with ssamjang and kimchi and samgyetang along with gotgamssam as dessert.

After placing the dinner tray at the night stand carefully he turned to look at the sleeping boy who looked tired, skin pale, lips drained of any colour, visible eye bags, he looked thin but the rising and falling or his chest constantly tingled Sunghoon's heart who couldn't help but smile at how peaceful the younger looks. He pressed his lips in a thin line before kneeling beside the bed and inches closer to the younger's sleeping face.

He couldn't help but notice those long eye lashes resting elegantly on the younger's cheekbones. He slowly streched his right hand before bringing it closer to the latter's face. His breath hitched when he softly touched the soft and now warm skin of the younger with the back of his fingers. His throat went dry at the softness he probably expected but still he wanted to lean in and kiss the sleeping boy's cheeks that were still covered in dried tears.

He gulped before rubbing his cheeks with both of his thumbs trying to erase those tear marks that pained his heart.

“ Angel you.... must be suffering alone... but you- you have me now... ” he whispered like the sleeping boy could hear him. He took a  sharp breath before standing up making some distance between them as he softly called the latter not having heart to wake him up but he really needs to eat. He shook the younger gently trying not to startle him.

Sunoo.. wake up hey Sunoo ” He called and soon the said boy groaned like he was in some pain making the older frown but soon a smile spread on his lips when he saw how the smaller guy flutter his long eyelashes as he opened his sharp fox like eyes before displaying his amber painted pupils to the older who stood there frozen taken aback by the immense beauty before him. He felt sucked in by the younger's beauty specially those beautiful amber painted eyes.

He cleared his dried throat before hiding his clammy palms behind him as he struggled to form a sentence.

um - I brought you dinner... you should eat first then you can go back to sleep ” He said in a suggestive manner signaling to the still warm dishes with hot air rising from the food  placed in a tray on the night stand beside his bed. He almost giggled at the way the younger sat up almost instantly seeing the food beside him and his bed hair was funny too with strands stood up like spikes in all directions. Without realising he brought his dominant hand and placed it on the younger's messy hair before ironing it with his palm trying to fix it.

Sunoo was speachless no scratch that he was beyond speechless at the warm touches that the older offered. He tried his best to suppress his moan that was threatening to escape his tightly sealed lips. But he didn't realize when he closed his eyes and leaned more into those comforting touches seeking more of it. He looked like an abandoned kitten.

Sunghoon was busy fixing the younger's hair, aware of the younger staring at him so he tried to ignore his stare while mentally questioning himself why is he touching the latter without his permission but the latter didn't look like he was hating it so it was ok right? But then his eyes widened when he saw how the younger closed his eyes with a slight frown before tilting his head, leaning into his palm like seeking more of his touches.

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