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There is mention of suicide in this chapter that some readers will may find uncomfortable and triggering so read at your own risk!


Walking on the bridge that leads to the old ramen shop Sunghoon can't help but shiver constantly as he hugs his body.

" dumbass wear a jacket why do you keep forgetting? " he cursed himself while rubbing his palms together warming them up a little before pressing them against his cold cheeks. He moved closer to the edge of the bridge walking as close to railing as possible while looking down at the busy streets under him. He heaved a sigh before turning his gaze to the front just to see a horrible sight that he felt his heart stops , eyes wide open as tears welled up at the sight.

It was the same beautiful guy he saw last time now standing on the other side of the railing almost hanging forward while hands clenched on the cold metal bars behind him keeping him from falling, those beautiful eyes that were supposed to be full of happiness and joy are filled with nothingness. Empty eyes staring down at the busy streets full of vehicles running wildly. His heart froze when the younger started to let go of the only support he had that prevents him from ending his life.

His body moved before his head could process what was happening and he found himself engulfing the younger in a tight hug from behind while pulling him back, both falling on the dirty concrete bridge while the younger fell on top of him.

Just a second if it was just a second late he would have lost this angel like guy for forever. Both of their minds were blank as they stayed in that position shivering in fear of the tragedy that could have happened if he didn't have grabbed him in time.

" don't go "

" you can't go "

" please "

The older begged as his voice came out in broken whispers. He was shaking badly while holding the younger boy in his arms as tight as possible scared if he will let go even just for a little he will disappear. He buried his face in the nape of the younger feeling of his cold skin against his forehead as he tried to calm himself down while caressing the younger ones waist in a soothing manner. He tried so hard not to cry oh fuck he don't even know why he was crying but he ended up crying against the younger's nape who was silent for the whole time.

After what felt like ages when both of them calmed down enough and finally the younger spoke for the first time in a while.

" I'm hungry " he said voice came out chocking as his throat burns when trying to talk. The older man finally unwrapped his arms around the latter's waist as he stood up before dusting his clothes then he stretched his hands out for the other who was staring at him with tired eyes.

" c'mon let's go I will treat you dinner " Sunghoon said with a forced smile as he waited for the younger to take his hand. After what felt like ages the latter finally grabbed his hand with a lot of hesitation before he helped the shorter to stand up.


Sunoo's pov -


A loud glass shutting sound filled the once tranquil room as soon as we entered the empty ramen shop since it was past closing time. I frowned a little wondering why he brought me here out of all the places. I still don't know why I told him that I'm hungry but the last meal that I had was yesterday evening. My heart clenched painfully when I saw the last person I wanted to see me in this state. The sweet old lady who was always bubbly and cheerful stood there with her hands over her slightly open mouth and eyes glistening with tears with shocked expression painted on her beautiful wrinkled face.

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