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Fragrance of fresh aquatic sea salt that reminds of the Mediterranean sea shore and cool breez filled the shower as the older took his sweet time to take a refreshing shower after a scorching night with his lover.

A stupid smile stayed plastered on his beautiful face as an evident of the memories of last night still fresh in his mind, replaying themselves again and again.

His Sunoo, his beautiful, gorgeous, sweet, addorale Sunoo.. that's all he can think of. He chuckled as he turned the shower off and stepped out of the shower space with a towel wrapped around his waist.

He quickly dried himself and got into comfortable pairs of grey sweatpants and a loose white button up shirt with most of the buttons still open revealing his toned chest and perfect abs.

Without wasting any time he rushed out of his bathroom in hope to see the beauty sitting peacefully on his warm bed wrapped cozily in his warm comforter just the way he left him before heading to shower but what he met with is a tidied up bed all empty with just pillows and comforter places neatly at it's place.

A frown displayed on his princely face.

" huh? Baby? Where are you? " he whispered to himself as he racked his eyes every corner of his room but to his dismay the younger was no where to be seen.

So he must be downstairs right? Yh there he is standing at the kitchen counter trying to cook something with a small obvious pout on his lips and eyebrows frowning cutely.

" Sunoo are you stupid!? This looks so weird ugh " he complaind to himself unaware of the presence behind him. Not until he heard a chuckle before two strong arms sneaked around his waist and felt a firm chest being pressed against his back.

He gasped in surprise and it was such a cute sound to the older's ears who rested his chin on the younger's neck, inhaling his calming scent.

" baby what are you doing here in the kitchen? "

Asked Sunghoon while nuzzling his nose in the crook of the younger's neck who shivered slightly and Sunghoon he mentally smirked knowing how sensetive the younger is so he continued to nuzzle his nose in the crook of the younger's neck.

" I was making breakfast "

The younger mumbled softly while fidgeting with the older's fingers shyly. Sunghoon couldn't help but cooed at the younger's cuteness.

" oh baby.. are you hungry? You should have told me so I could have prepared breakfast first. "

Sunoo's heart skipped a beat at the caring tone of the older but he just shaked his head slightly and his pout grew even more.

" I wanted to make breakfast for you "


Now they both are blushing. Isn't so cute it's almost like a dream. Sunghoon almost went crazy at how cute the younger is and the thought of him thinking about making breakfast for him.

I wanted to flex about it to someone, just anyone.

" let me help you love "

And with that they prepared a simple breakfast but it was the most delicious breakfast for both of them since it's their first meal they cooked together.. as a couple! That thought had them both blushing.

Sunghoon told the younger to take a seat at the kitchen island as he served breakfast for both of them.

Sunoo watched the latter plating skillfully and placed them nicely in front of him and he couldn't help but smile as his heart engulfed in a warmthness that he always longed for.

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