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This chapter contains suicide, panic attack and many other contents that some reader may find uncomfortable and triggering so read at your own risk!


The nostalgic smell of warm cooked rice filled the small kitchen with a warm cozy aroma that reminded me of childhood days when the entire family would sit together in their small dining area for warm fresh cooked meals, sweet conversations, and teasing in between with silly story times.

Old skillful hands worked rapidly to serve the freshly cooked white rice in a rice bowl with nambak kimchi, chamchijeon, gamja jorim, and egg salad on the small wooden six-seater dining table.

" Grandma. "I can't even eat that much." A taller man grumbled as he leaned back on one of the wooden chairs in front of the dining table, which was clearly full of dishes he couldn't complete.

"Stop whining!" It isn't even that dramatic, child! "You are just like your father," exclaimed the elderly mother, slapping her grandson's shoulder gently before parting his head.

"Finish it all or else you can't go out today," she threatened, chuckling at her grandson's cute pout as he sighed before digging in.

After such a delicious lunch, he finally got to go out and roam the streets like old times when he used to live here permanently with his parents, but they are now in states handling their business while he came back because his grandmother begged his father to let him move back here at least until his university ended, saying "don't you feel bad leaving your old mother all alone with a ramen shop? Send your son to me or I will disown you," he joked as he remembered the letter his father had shown him, smiling at his mother's dramatic theatrics.

He visited all of the sites he used to frequent on his way home from school, and a nostalgic smile never left his lips as he saw certain places that remained the same while others had changed totally.

He was lost from time to time, but luckily he didn't have a bad memory, which helped him navigate.

He paused in front of an empty park, and memories of playing here with his old pals, father, and grandfather came flooding back. Oh, right, he has yet to inform his friends that he has returned.

He roamed and visited all of the locations until it was nightfall, when he decided to return home, where his wonderful grandmother was sure to be waiting for him. As he went slowly across the bridge that would take him to his destination, a smile pulled at his lips as he remembered her.


Eyes burning, hot tears flowing down his cheeks as he shifts uncomfortably on his study table, holding his physics book, pages shredding and hands going white from the tight grip. He wailed as quietly as he could, terrified that someone would hear him and drag him into his parents' disputes again. He gazed at his bed, seeing his friend sitting on the comfy matters, crying exactly like him, the same anxiety on his face.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this.... because of me," he whispered, turning back to look at his ruined book, biting his trembling lips and trying to concentrate on his book, which was trembling along with his hands that were holding it, almost as if he let go, it would vanish, just like his happiness.

Because the room was not soundproof, glass smashing sounds and shouting filled it, revealing what was going on downstairs.

His parents have been bickering over who knows what since last night, when he was attempting to study for his physics exam, but he couldn't read a single word without experiencing a continual skull crushing headache.

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