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mention of blood and violence!!

Read at your own risk!



It's fucking cold and deadly silent in this very familiar living room of Kim's residence where he used to live and it was a real hell he never wanted to return to but here he is sitting on the couch staring at his father who is busy chugging bottles of alcohol down his throat like it's water.

He is scared, very scared that he can't stop shaking.

He is angry, very angry that he can't breathe properly.

There were millions of thoughts running his mind like why did this drunk man dragged him here from school with a stupid excuse of " we have some family issues to take care of "

Thoughts of his friends who must be worried about him and must be searching for him, trying to contact him and must have informed Sunghoon by now.


His Sunghoon.. he want to see him, he needs to see him. Without realisation a tear rolled down his cheeks making his vision blurry and he found it suffocating to even breathe as he let out a choked sob.

He heard a scoff across the room, his father must have heard him sobbing. He tried to calm himself down and silence his sobs with the palms of his hands but his shoulder shook violently making him look vulnerable.

It's the last thing he wants to be seen as, a pathetic vulnerable fellow who is scared of his drunk father and a weakling boy who can't fight back.

But he needs to make a call atleast. One call to his Sunghoon to let him know. He doesn't even know if he can get out of this alive. His father's eyes screams danger.

He looked at his father and froze when he saw him already looking at him with hatered eyes. He can't be foolish to make a call in front of him so he ran.

He ran upstairs to his room, too scared to look at the man chasing him like a mad dog who stumbled a few times because he was too drunk to even walk properly, drunk with alcohol, drunk with heatered for his own son.

He ran into his so called room which was a mess and locked the door before dragging his desk to put it infront of the door for more security.

He flinched when loud banging sounds filled the room as his father started to bang on his door yelling him to open it.

The younger ran a shaky hand through his hair as he looked at the window for an exit but his room was too high so if he will jump he will break his leg or spine.

" calm down Sunoo "

He whispered to himself as he grabbed his phone with shaky hands and dialed his boyfriend. In two rings he picked up.

" Sunoo?! Where are you? "

Sunghoon's voice was filled with concern and worries and lached with pure fear. He felt like crying hearing the older's voice that he almost forgot the sound of banging on his door and he failed to notice the banging stopped suddenly.

" I'm at my parents please get me out of here please -- "

He didn't feel any shame when his voice came out desperate because he was desperate and scared and his heart was pounding rapidly.

" I'm coming baby calm down I'm on my way "

Just as he was about to answer his room door made an unlocking sound and swong open revealing his furious father.

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