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The rustling sounds of flipping pages filled the room as the boy sitting in front of the coffee table turned over the pages of his new maths workbook with a pout dancing on his face.

He sighed and looked back at the taller male who stood near the French window glasses while his back was facing him, talking on a call.

" yes grandma I got it I will cook for both of us you can enjoy your time with your friends "

" I'm not mocking you for skipping your duty in your own shop? Haha ok sorry sorry "

" Yes I love you too "

" ok I will hang up now and take care "

When he finally ended the call he shoved his phone back in his pants pocket and walked back to the sulking boy sitting at the coffee table.

Sunoo quickly ducked his head, pretending to look at his workbook pages when he saw the older male returning.

Soon he felt two strong arms around his waist and it picked him up before putting him back down making him sit on the older male's lap.

A blush spread on his cheeks and it didn't go unnoticed by the older who chuckled and kissed his blushing cheeks.

" what a blushing mess my baby is "

Sunghoon teased the younger who pouted even more. He leaned his body on the younger's back while he reached for the younger's workbook.

" now Sunoo you solved this pretty nicely, let me tell you some other easy methods because this and this question can be quite tricky. "

With that he continued to tutor the younger who tried his best to keep up with it despite his hammering heart in his chest threatening to fall out of his ribcage because of their close proximity and the way the older kept snuggling his face in the crook of his neck.

If this is what tutoring looks like then he is ready to sit for hours and hours of tutoring.


The older heaved a sigh as he placed the younger softly on his warm mattress of his bed, tugging him securely under the warm comforter.

" cutie "

Sunghoon mumbled while poking at the mochie like cheeks of the sleeping younger who was sleeping like a baby.

Sunoo fell asleep after two hours of studying and didn't even wake up for dinner no matter how hard Sunghoon tried to wake him up.

Sunghoon thought if he will wake up in middle of the night then he will make him dinner no matter how sleepy he himself must be.

He looked at the younger's small hands clenching cutely on his shirt and he swear he was already melting by the cuteness of his precious.

He was lost admiring the younger's peaceful sleeping face when suddenly the sound of phone ringing from the younger's pocket of his pants disturbed him, signalling there's someone calling the younger at this late hours of night.

He forwned when he checked the time it's definitely late so he decided to grab the phone to atleast check who is calling.

It was an unknown number that just made him frown even more. He quickly declined the call and put the phone on the night stand.

The older was about to get on the bed when Sunoo's phone started to ring again.

" what the? "

This time he answered the call but before he could say hello the person on the other side of the line chuckled darkly.

" didn't know my son was whoring around when his dad is suffering "

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