661 40 36


readers are advised to skip this chapter if they have hemophobia or blood phobia because this chapter mentions harsh words, violence and blood.

Read at your own risk!


Sunghoon's pov-

" can you visit my school as my brother? "


What the fuck?

I stared blankly at him. He must be kidding it looks like he will soon laugh.... laugh? C'mon laugh already man stop staring at me with those sparkly eyes!

" um? Laugh? Haha? " I think he should laugh after making a joke? No? I guess he forgot, funny guy--

" wh-why should I..? " he mumbled while fiddling with his hands. Is he serious about it? Oh I just have hearing issues maybe rain water got into my eardrums but his looks says otherwise.

" nevermind.. um why? Why you want me to be your brother? "

I asked because if he says he sees me as his brother, I will fly back to the States . I'm not even kidding and will cry myself to sleep every night because wtf? I thought the worse he could do is friendzone me- I mean nevermind.

" pretend like one " he mumbled once again yes but why?

" why? " I asked rising an eyebrow and he got more nervous so he clenched the hem of his shirt and bit his lips- oh... his lips-- Sunghoon no!

" my teacher.. demanded my parents or my legal guardian at school and if I will not do that he will... um.. things will get worse-- " his voice was trembling slightly so I grabbed one of his hands and rubbed the back of his knuckles softly encouraging him to continue.

" I can't bring them.. then can you help? Please? " he said the last word looking into my eyes with his beautiful dazzling amber painted foxy eyes. I gulped thickly feeling my throat get drier the long I stare into them.

" I uh I suppose? When will we go? " I didn't ask for the reason why his parents were summoned to school at the first place because.. it can't be his fault right? That teacher must be a dickhead for being harsh to such a cute guy! I hope he will trip and break his nose and accidentally drink liquid bleach instead of water--

" really? Will you really help me? " he asked as his eyes widen in size dramatically and I almost went crazy. Like I can even say no to that face. I smiled and nodded making him offer me his beautiful smile it wasn't a big smile only a small one but anything is better than sad expressions on his face.

" but will he not suspect? Like what if we will get caught? I mean what if he knows your brother-- "

" I don't have one "

" that's even worse then what if he knows you are a single child and then suddenly you have a brother- that will be so risky? "

He blinked a few times. He seems determined I hope I will really help instead of making the matter worse because the last thing I want is to get caught and get him in more trouble.

" he will not know... "

That's not very convencing.


" so... you are his brother? "

Mr. Jang asked while fixing his documents on his desk before turning to look at Sunghoon who stood there with a polite smile beside him stood Sunoo who was staring down as always while holding on a piece of paper.

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