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" what business do you have with my grandson? "

Asked the old lady in a threatening voice with eyebrows raised showing she ain't scared of anyone.

" he needs to go to the hospital -- "

Jungwon started but got cut off.

" you will send my grandson to the hospital?! The audacity!!! "

" ... "

" ... "

Silence fell upon them after hearing the old lady's unbelievable words. Both the young boys stood there in disbelief.

" grandma got no chill " Jake muttered loud enough for only Jungwon to hear who stood beside him with annoyed expression painted on his face.

" what? What did you say? Say it out loud-- "

The old lady started to provoke them again but this time got cut off by a deep voice that spoke behind her making her turn around just to see her grandson standing behind her short figure with an raised eyebrow.

" what's going on grandma? "

He asked his grandma in a suspicious tone before raising his gaze to meet with two pairs of eyes staring at him annoyingly.

" who are you? "

He asked those two young figures standing outside their ramen shop shivering in cold.

" yh? not robbers "

Jake said in an annoyed voice but got a smack from the shorter boy standing beside him who sighed and bowed slightly followed by Jake.

" Sorry let us introduce ourselves.. I'm Jungwon and this is Jake we are Sunoo's friend-- "

Jungwon started but got cut off by grandma who almost screamed and Sunghoon's eyes only grew wide exaggeratly.

" you are Sunoo's friends? Should have told me sooner aigo.. come inside it must be freezing outside look at you... oh no "

Her personality changed at the mention of Sunoo like she just wasn't threatening them a while ago with a flower vase.

" haha you noticed so soon grandma but thank you for your hospitality but we are in hurry "

Jungwon said sarcastically making Jake chuckle but this time Sunghoon spoke up making them shut up and turn their full attention to him.

" where is he? I mean Sunoo he didn't come with you? "

He asked curiously with a sence of worry laced on his voice. It didn't go unnoticed by both the young male standing outside of their shop who mentally smirked.

" nah he is in hospital we just came to get Sunghoon's number he wanted to talk- "

" what!? What happened to him? " Sunghoon almost screamed as his usual calm face deteriorated in worry and fear. Grandma's expression was mirroring her grandson.

" he fell down from stairs-- "

Jake tried to explain the situation but this time grandma cut him off. What's with this two? They can't even let the poor boys complete their sentences even for once.

" Sunghoon go to Sunoo right now! "

Grandma commanded like sending her warrior to save the world.

" lead the way "

Sunghoon said to the two confused souls who were staring at them weirdly.


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