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[ recommend playing the track above while reading for a better experience ]


At 5 : 00 am in the morning, the sun was hiding behind the blanket of clouds. It wasn't very warm but not harsh either. The birds kept chirping and the breeze was cool. The leaves of the plants were covered from dew drops. The level of noise pollution in the morning was less compared to the other times of the day.

Amidst the peaceful morning a lean figure stood at the sidewalk of the bridge that brought back some terrible memories but there was one thing he was secretly glad about... it was the same bridge where he met him.

He slightly shivered at the cool breeze sipping through his thin clothes and he cursed himself once again for forgetting to wear warm clothes.

He closed his eyes as he hugged his arms for some warmth while inhaling the smell of petrichor and a small smile formed on his lips.

It has been raining since last night and it's still raining slightly but he didn't bother to bring an umbrella with him. Blame his forgetfulness. He was getting a little wet but that didn't stop him from enjoying such a beautiful morning.

It was fresh and it cleared his head that was filled with a lot of thoughts about a lot of things like studies, his grandma, ramen shop, parents and more importantly Sunoo the boy he met at one eventful evening.

He smiled while admiring the view which wasn't anything special for a busy person in busy city life but he was one of those who will cherish and appreciate every little thing about life and nature.

He was so lost in the moment that he didn't realize the rain stopped falling on him long ago until he felt a tug on his sleeves. He was quick to open his eyes and turn around to see a certain someone who he secretly missed since the last time he saw him, holding an umbrella over his head while looking up at him, holding his extra long sleeves to get his attention.

A smile formed on his lips without him knowing as he stared down at the beautiful figure still holding an umbrella over their head, looking up at him with his beautiful amber painted eyes with no visible dark circles, porcelain skin, lips soft with a hint of cherry chapstick he used before stepping out for a walk early in the morning, hair slightly parted in middle exposing his flawless forehead.

He didn't realize he was staring at the younger until he felt the other tugging at his sleeves once again.

" um- g-good morning angel - "

He stuttered while greeting and ended up calling the younger with an unexpected nickname but his heart skipped a beat when the latter didn't seem to hate it and he even smiled slightly.

It was the first time the younger smiled at him, that did something to his heart. His heart tingled with an unfamiliar warmth and excitement that he never felt before.

He saw the latter's forearm slightly shaking while holding the umbrella visibly struggling to keep it high up for too long because of their height difference so he wasted no time and took the umbrella from the younger's grip still shielding both of their heads from the rain that was pouring on them hitting on the surface of the umbrella making dim tapping sound.

The younger one was still holding on to his sleeve of his white thin sweater while blinking cutely at him. He looked like a lost cat.

" what are you doing here? "

Sunghoon asked softly while tilting his head showing his curiosity as he waited for the other to answer who blinked twice before looking away and mumbled softly.

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