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5 O'Clock in the morning the front door of Kim's residence opened as a thin boy walked in still wearing his old dirty overwashed uniform. He looked around the lounge feeling uneasy by the unusual silence that he don't know if he likes or hates. He took off his shoes and placed them in the shoe rack near the main door before making his way to his room. He came back home to get ready for yet another hell of a day of school. After his stay at the old lady's house he decided to not to bother them anymore and insisted on leaving ignoring the worried glances he was getting.

' they act nice to me because they pity me.. once they will get bored of me they will ditch me anyways ' he reminded himself so he will not expect anything from anyone ever again.

He did his morning routine, took a shower and got dressed up in yet another overwashed uniform that he owned since long ago. His parents never paid attention to him to realize he need a new uniform and if he ask they will call him greedy and selfish saying them paying for his school and giving him roof and food isn't enough? Now he dares to ask for more?

He grabbed his backpack that was lying on the warm wooden floor before making his way out of his room to the front door obviously not having the slightest urge to have breakfast in this house. It's been a year since he last had any meal in his own house. Just as he was about to pass his mother's bedroom door he froze and was unable to move past it.

He heard his mother's moans, screaming in pleasure while practically begging to get fucked and then he heard other voices that belongs to two other men who were not his father. The familiar unsettling feeling of nauseousness came flooding back in his stomach as his vision started to get blurry by unshaded tears pooling in his eyes. He ran back to his room, throwing his backpack on the wooden floor before rushing to the toilet to throw up like he did last time in his school. His body shook violently as he tried hard not to get a panic attack that was resurfacing in him. It's the last thing he was to experience early in the morning.

Feeling suffocating in his own house where he felt like dying he decided leave early for his school. Ignoring the skull crushing headache that was intensifying inside him once again. He walked to his school blinking as much as possible to keep his vision clear.

Finally what felt like ages he reached to his school campus which was basically empty with only staffs who were busy with their jobs. He rubbed his throbbing forehead as he decided to go to the rooftop until it's time for his first class.

Sitting on the edge of the building he leaned against the railing while closing his eyes. He frowned as his headache didn't seem to get better anytime soon before opening his eyes just to find his friend staring at him. His friend whos face was always a blur to him now had a perfect well defined face. The face for his saviour. He giggled looking at him feeling glad that he isn't alone after all.

He patted the space beside him for his friends to sit down before he stated to speak.

" I caught my mom cheating on dad again looks like they will fight once again when I get back home... "

" what? Yes.. I don't want to go either but I can't always stay at your house... "

" mhm if possible I never wanted to leave but that would be selfish of me and I'm really thankful for your hospitality. "

" oh you cooked that food? It was really delicious... I want to eat it again.. "

" oh right.... Mr. Jang will scold me today for skipping his exam... "

" I was fine to die... next time please don't save me ok? "

He talked to his non existent friend with a forced smile forcing himself to imagine that he was fine, he was happy. He giggled once again seeing his friend nodding his head saying next time he will help him to die and leave this cruel life full of misery. He was more than glad that finally someone is understanding him without questioning his sanity.

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