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The air in the room carries the scent of disinfectant as two young men quietly converse about their friend's deteriorating condition. One of them is on the verge of falling asleep, resting on the chest of the unconscious boy in the hospital bed. Suddenly, the friend's slight movement startles him, causing him to quickly stand up and carefully examine for any signs of consciousness.

Jake and Riki, who were quietly conversing on the hospital bed beside Sunoo's, noticed Jungwon's sudden movement. They quickly approached him as they observed Sunoo stirring and heard him utter a groan, indicating that he was experiencing considerable discomfort, causing them to show concern.

" S-Sunoo hyung " It was Riki who couldn't help but call out to the said boy to make his presence known to him and it worked. The said boy opened his eyes forcefully with a frown and hissed at the suddenly bright light that pained his tired eyes. He blinks several times with a permanent frown painted on his pale looking face. As soon as his vision started to get adjusted to the bright room filled with the smell of disinfectant his confused expression changed into a horror one.

" get- get away " With a strained voice, he claimed that he was compelled to leave, his throat burning intensely as if he could even detect the metallic flavor of blood.

" leave " Closing his eyes, he pressed his palms together and felt his lips tremble, secretly hoping that it was a mere figment of his imagination. After a brief silence, he gathered the courage to open his eyes and verify whether the three imposing figures looming above him had disappeared or not.

He carefully removed his hands from his closed eyes, cautiously revealing a sight he hadn't expected - three faces that he hadn't encountered in a long time. The looks in their eyes conveyed concern and sincere affection, yet they seemed strangely unfamiliar to him. Overcome with fear, he couldn't bring himself to meet their gaze, and his vision became hazy once again, causing warm tears to stream down his stinging cheeks uncontrollably. Trembling vigorously, he wept openly in front of his friends, who stared back at him with teary eyes filled with remorse and sorrow.

" S-Sun... we are sorry.. really sorry... please look at us for once? " Jake finally found his voice as his other two friends continued to cry inconsolably, seemingly unable to speak. Sunoo, his once admired older brother figure, heard Jake's voice and made an effort to hold back his own tears. Despite the pain etched on his face, he looked at Jake with a tilted head.

' why are you in pain? '

' it was supposed to be me suffering from pain that you all left me with '

" we just wanted to give you space Sunoo hyung... really "

Jungwon spoke after a lot of trying to calm himself down enough to finally form a sentence.

' you ghosted me... left me in the dust while you were busy laughing and making jokes around '

After hearing their excuse of "giving you space," he pondered silently. All he had ever desired was their company to provide solace, rather than being disregarded in the background while they effortlessly shimmered, only making him aware of his own imperfections and insecurities. Perhaps he should express his gratitude towards them?

" I'm sor-ry that it too-k us so long to reach out to you hyung... I ho-pe it's not too late.. ple-ase just give us a ch-ance this once... we really didn't mean to g-ghost you "

Riki said between his broken sobs as he tried to take a hold of the older hands that were resting on his lap. He didn't bother to push it away as he let him grab his cold hands in his warm once. Riki's hands were bigger than his so they completely covered them in a protective manner.. but he didn't feel the slightest bit of protection or comfort. He was just too tired to shake off the younger's hands.

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