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Memories crumble like dried flower petals at the tip of his fingers

He was chasing the butterflies, so lost in dreams

He followed his traces

Begging to show him the way

A path that lead him to his healing


Waking up to an empty room, looking beside him to find the space next to him empty and cold, feeling lost after waking up from a terrible nightmare he sat there staring at the empty space next to him.

It's not like he doubted the man he loved, not even for once.. but he doubted himself.

What if he once again imagined it all just to escape his reality? Weren't things were going way better than it should be? No way he can suddenly escape the hell he lived in in just less than a month. The hell he tried to escape for years suddenly can't let him escape, can it?

Then again whatever he felt it was real, very real. So real that he still can feel the tips of his fingers thingling. The soft touch of his lover, the comforting words and promises, they are real.

He shook his head slightly before rubbing his face roughly, trying to get rid of those painful tears that stained his cheeks.

The younger heaved a sigh before getting down from the bed, legs slightly trembling. It was still dark outside, pretty sure he slept for like two hours until terrible nightmares invaded his peaceful sleep making him choke in his sleep.

Making his way downstairs he heaved a sigh when he heard the older's voice, giving him a sence of protection and comfort but then he heard some other familiar voices making him stop in his track and frown slightly.

" his dad is really searching for him everywhere... It's not safe for him to stay with any of us "

" yes, and I can't let him stay somewhere alone "

" what can we do about his dad? He is really trying to harm him "

His friends... And they are definitely talking about his dad.. did he dragged them in this mess? Did his dad do something to them?

He felt his heart sinking in guilt and worries, legs almost giving up and a painful sob escaped his lips betraying him.

" Sunoo? "

He felt more vulnerable hearing his lover call him ever so softly with worry filled voice. With his teary eyes he looked up meeting the soft caring gaze of the older making him want to drop on his knees and cry, cry until he can not anymore.

" come here baby " Sunghoon without wasting a second springed up from the couch that he was sitting on with the other three guys and walked to the younger who stood at his spot like his feet were rooted there.

He softly held onto the younger's shoulder with one hand and cupped his cheek with another feeling the coldness indicating he cried.

The soft feather like touch made him sob even more and without thinking twice he pulled the older for a much needed hug.

" oh baby "

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