Chapter One

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"No. I'm sure."

"I'm looking Juliette, there's literally nothing in your room."

"Can you just check the closet or- or ask Anya if she took them?"

"I highly doubt my 4-year-old took some papers out of your folder Jules." I rubbed my forehead and sigh of desperation. Moving here was supposed to be the start of something new. I was supposed to get a new perspective, broaden my horizons, meet new people, and get inspiration from another part of the world. But I've been here 3 weeks and haven't been able to focus for more than 5 minutes and now I'm starting to fall behind on plotting this fucking thing. That fistful of paper someone had yanked from my book was the whole plot I'd gotten out before I left. I need that paper. "Could you have-"

"If you're about to ask me if I ripped them out myself then you don't know me at all. I don't-"

"Bin anything whilst you're writing. I know." I could picture Riley now. Stood in the middle of what was my room in our shared apartment. Anya would be with her dad still so she'd probably still be in pyjamas and she'd have her hand on her forehead stressing about this as much as I was. I know I woke her up and I know she doesn't get many sleep ins but I had to get something done now. I was falling out of the habit of writing or working constantly and that wasn't a good thing. I had to get back on it. "I don't know Jules. There's nothing here. It's 5am can I go back to bed?"

"Yeah- sorry Riles. I just-"

"I know." I pushed the papers around in front of me as the door clocked shut on the other end of the line. Riley grunted and I swear, if it wasn't a little crackly I could still be back there with her. A little hungover from too much wine last night, waiting for the peace to be shattered when that little terror came home and I'd be thrown into world's best auntie mode. "It's too quiet here without you."

"Tell me about it." I was so used to their chaos. Anya's screaming and tripping over plastic toys no matter how much we tidied them up. I was used to Riley talking about random shit. I had 18 years of it buried into my ears I'm sure I could still hear it all in the middle of the night when I'm here alone. "I hate it here."

"Gah, don't do that Jules. Have you even left the house."

"No comment." She chuckled. "I've had so much to do. I've had to learn how to fix all sorts. This place is literally falling apart. Honestly. I'm convinced one day I'm going to walk through the ceiling and end up in the kitchen. Everything's wrong. Did you know they have the washing machine in the kitchen here? Like, no laundry room?"


"Yep. My lower floor is Living room and kitchen. That's it. No room for it. I'll have to have it built. Like extend the bottom floor. No AC either. And radiators. The realtor said they'd need bleeding? Do you know what that is? I have to go buy a special key or the heating won't work. It's fucking freezing too!" I could hear her trying not to break into stitches. I was probably putting her to sleep with my ranting but I didn't care right now. Riley and Anya are all I have and it's near impossible to catch Riles, let alone Anya now she's in school.

"Someone needs to listen to Anya singing Frozen songs for 2 hours to remember why you left in the first place."

"How is she?"

"She misses her Auntie Jules. Makes me read that damn book you made her 3 times a day. She keeps telling people her aunties gonna be famous and that you live in Buckingham Palace."

"Sounds about right."

"Look Jules. I love you; I miss you, but her dad didn't pick her up until 1am. I'm exhausted. Can you call this afternoon? Ans back about 6pm What time's that there?"

"Like 10."

"Yeah, call us at 6. Facetime. You can catch up with her and read to her and put her to bed and we can catch up properly yeah?"

"Okay. I'll call you then."

"Get out the house today. That's an order."

"Oh yeah? What you gonna do? Throw a pillow from there?

"No but I'll keep a note in my phone for every time you need it and full on beat you when I see you again."


"Oh, give up." Riley yawned. "Get out the house. Talk to someone that's not a delivery driver. Buy a cookbook."

"No can do. I'll leave the house though. Find a coffee shop somewhere."

"Good. I'm going back to sleep. Talk tonight."

"Mhm. Love you, bye." The line clicked and somehow I felt worse. Home sick was a very real feeling believe it or not. I was realizing it more and more every passing day. I don't regret moving halfway across the world. This house is so pretty and I know, I know it will be worth it in the end. It's just this bit that fucking sucks. Being out here completely alone, healing from a break-up no one saw coming, settling into a new country and home, missing everyone.

I got ready, tugging my coat on but leaving it unzipped because it wasn't quite that cold out here yet. I expected it to be. Not Canadian winter with 10-foot snow drifts. I don't think the risk of getting snowed in was as pressing down in southwest England but I was expecting rain and hail and storms that would be keeping me awake without a single doubt.

I'm glad I chose Satbury though. It's quaint. Not so small that everyone would know me personally. I could keep my anonymity very easily but it's nowhere near as busy as London would be. It's not as rushed either. The pace of life feels slower. The Highstreet is packed with independent bookstores I'd be lying if I said I didn't drop in during my first week here when I was trying to get my bearings. Bookstores, coffee shops, charity shops. I can't wait to venture round properly and get used to it. For summer when it's light until 10pm. Oh, or when snow is settling on the cobblestone side streets. I know Riles and Anya will love this place too. The second they can I'm getting them on a plane over here. I need to get my license again before they come though. I do not want to even think about public transport here. I reckon I'll end up a million miles away.

I stumbled across a little coffee shop down one of the streets. Peeking through the window it was practically empty, looked super cosy. Orange twinkling fairy lights twisted around huge metal bookcases on the far wall. It looked like it circled around a little, like an L shape. They had to be open. People were inside but there wasn't anyone at the till when I walked in. My eyes took it all in, darting around the room, reading the menu and the little display case filled with a huge range of snacks and treats, my mouth watering at the sight of things I most likely couldn't touch.

"Sorry, Love. Got caught up chatting to a customer." I looked up, smiling at a barista that looked too old to still be here. He had to be in his 40s. "What can I get yah?"

"Can I just get a latte with oat milk?"

"Sure, thing doll. Staying in or taking out?"

"Um In. Please." He smiled, tapped away on the till and I paid with my phone.

"You're not from around here are you?"

"Uh- no. No. I moved here a few weeks ago."

"America? I scoffed.

"No Canada. Not too far from Toronto."

"Ahh." He nodded, folding up a receipt and held it out for me. "Well, Welcome to Satbury. I'm Chris, the owner."

"I'm Juliette." He had such a warm smile it ate up all of my anxiety.

"Nice to meetyou. Take a seat, I'll get Noah to bring it over for you in a few."

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