Chapter Twenty One

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A solid week.

Well. Technically 8 days since he left the house. I wasn't even sure what was going on. All I knew is that he'd gone because his sister called and his mum got in a serious accident. Now his messages aren't delivering. I've heard nothing from him since a 1-word text the early hours of Wednesday morning saying 'here'. Not even a kiss at the end of the message. I got it though. At the time. Maybe now. I don't know. He was stressed. I can excuse it all I think. He's going through it. But he's got his phone off and I have no other way of checking in.

I'd been around to the coffee shop Wednesday morning to see if Chris had heard from him and he had. He knew more than I did but I checked yesterday and Chris hadn't heard either.

I'm trying to carry on. Just write and do what I need to but I feel like I'm lost. I'm just kind of floating around the house, not knowing what to do or what's happening and it's scary.

We've gone from talking constantly, being inseparable. To his phone being off when he's clearly going through something? I want to help. I know I physically can't. But I want to be there for him. I want to say that I know he's scared because I am too. I want to tell him I'll be there no matter what happens. I want to get the train up but then he'll be worrying about me and his sister and everything else. He told me to wait here. That we'd sort it when he knows how bad it is.

Part of me is hoping that he still isn't sure. The other part of me is hoping and praying that she's okay. But I also know that if she's okay, then he'd have let me know. He'd have called or text, sent a carrier pigeon.

He could have blocked my number though.

This could all be one giant scheme to cut me off and not seem like the bad guy. He left to help his sick mom and his phone 'died' so he couldn't reply and then his girlfriend of 6 months goes batshit crazy because he had something personal going on.

"Annie? Are you there?"

"Mhm." Barely.

"You don't sound excited that we have the publication date!"

"I am." I sat up straighter, taking a deep breath. "No. Of course, I am. 2 months you said?"

"Yeah. July 7th, worldwide. This is going to be a hit Annie. The Advance Reader Copy reviews are coming in overwhelmingly positive. They say you're writing like a whole other person. There's still you in there but you've not just improved, you've taken a leap. Whatever you did to write this book, please tell me you did it to write the one you're finishing up."

"Yeah. I uh- I guess I did."

"Great. How is that one going? Is it close to being completed?"

"Not quite." I stared at the blank pages. "I've hit a block. Run out of inspiration."

"Oh. Well. I'm sure you'll recover it. The finale to the Valentine Brothers' series was 3 months early so you still have some time before your next book is due. Why don't you take a vacation?"

"I don't know."

"You deserve one Annie. You've put out 4 books in the past 5 years. 3 in the past 3 years. It would be expected for you to take a break now, between a series." I stared at myself in the black of my screen. I don't recognize myself right now. I'm pale, haven't felt right since Noah left. I'm trying to write a romance book about a boy who can't find a charger for his phone in fucking Edinburgh.

"Maybe. I'm going to try get out of the house for a bit. Maybe it'll jump start something. I'll let you know if I have any changes."

"Yep brilliant. I'll catch up with you next week." The call ended and I pulled myself out of my chair, headed for a way too quiet walk into town.

I loved Satbury because it was so peaceful but now every single fucking road is just filled with me and Noah. This walk is one I walked with him almost every day. His hand in mine and it fit so fucking well.

The more I think about it, the less it makes sense that his phone is off or that it died and he can't find a charger. I know for a fact his sister has the same phone. I saw him use her charger at Christmas when he didn't want to go get his from upstairs.

It's not like I'm wanting much here right? One text. Just one. 'Everything's shit babe. Chaotic. Miss you. Speak soon x' Is that too much to be asking? After 6 months. Christmas together? Planning a future, naming our fucking children for 10 years down the line. 6 months and I can't get one single text message?

"Juliette?" I lift my head, a much too smiley brunette stood in the middle of the path on the outskirts of town. Her friends smile, turn the corner, and keep walking. I really can't deal with this bitch right now. I don't have the same fucking patience I had in January. "Are you okay?"

"What do you want Teagan?"

"Oh. I just saw on Noah's Social's that his mum was in hospital last week. I know he posted that she's home yesterday but I just wondered what had happened. I still care about them all."

"He posted online?"

"Yeah. Didn't you see?"

"I don't have socials." She tipped her head, bringing his profile up, showing me the post. His mom's room. He's home. He's not still in the hospital. His sister's charger is right there. You can see it in the photo.

"Weird that you didn't know." I can hear the snide remark in her tone as I turn around. "I hope you're happy with him."

"You can fucking keep him Teagan." 

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