Chapter Thirty Two

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"And so, Dear Reader, Parker and Emilia watched their youngest children leave to fulfil their own dreams. It broke them. Watching 2 children they created in a moment of passion set out on paths they knew had been all too rocky for themselves.

At 18, there was so much the world still had in store for the twins. Things their parents could only hope would lead them to where they needed to. They reminded each other with a longing glance that the road their children now walked was not one they were unfamiliar with. It was a path that had lead them into each other's arms, had torn them apart and had given them exactly what they never knew they needed.

Their children, however, had everything they had needed. A belief that they were more than the worlds weighted opinions. Knowledge that their parents would always have room for them and that no matter what mistakes they make, Parker and Emilia would always be where they always were. Hand in hand, watching the world whirl past them.

Parker and Emilia had learned more than enough throughout their years. From how to bake a cake without burning it and under baking at the same time, to the importance of not telling your pregnant wife she shouldn't cry at her Hockey team losing the biggest match of the season.

Their favourite lesson though, dear reader, was that their mistakes, errors of judgement and oversights never really mattered. They'd built a family. Filled with friends across the globe. Filled with children they adored. Filled with love and compassion and faith that wasn't dependent on their actions or a higher being.

My hope for you, Dear Reader, is that you take the world on and face your fears with the full knowledge you are a part of this family. No matter where you are, your native tongue, your gender, sexual orientation, or religion. Parker and Emilia will always be here, waiting with open arms to tell their story. Whenever you need them."

"It's so cheesy." I closed the book slowly, settling back into the bed sheets that felt a little too cold. "I mean, Parker and Emilia. Where did she even get those names Pip? They're supposed to be her and dad right?"


"You guys are so dramatic. It's literally just a book."

"Oh, shut up Ans. You don't have a clue."

"You don't have a clue." Anya mocked Fin and I wiped the tears as they slipped down my cheeks, turning onto my side and staring at the beige, coffee-stained book cover, mom's pseudonym scrawled across the front. "Honestly. Wait until you're reading some of the shit I'm editing every day." I tuned out the 2 of them bickering. I wish I was back home with them now. With Fin across the hall telling me I'm being clingy but wrapping me in a hug and with Ans sitting in her bedroom window next door, never more than 20 feet away.

But I'm not. I'm halfway across the world. Alone. No idea what I'm doing.

I feel like I'm walking in mom's footsteps. I know I have Nana and Auntie Ally on the outskirts of the city and in reality, there's people literally everywhere. But my parents are in Canada with Sawyer and I'm in Edinburgh. My brother's in London, Anya's in Montreal. No one's where they're supposed to be and it's hitting me harder tonight in the 2 weeks since I left.

"You there Pip?"

"Yeah. What? Sorry, blacked out a little."

"Ooh there we go she's getting all emotional." My phone buzzed and I rolled my eyes

Fin: Sup?

Me: You're literally on the phone with me douchebag.

"Shut up Finley. Don't you have some poetry to be reciting?"

"I'm writing it up right now. There's this girl right-"

"We do not want to know Fin." I stared at my dorm door as someone tapped quickly. Barely audible over these two complaining and going back to their usually scheduled bullshit. I pulled it open slowly; fully aware I wasn't expecting anyone tonight. Or ever. I pulled my phone away from my ear, staring at the guy I'd been running into all over campus all week. I know he's in this building and that we take at least one maybe two classes together.


"Um. Hi."

"Sorry. I didn't mean to interup- Is that Annie Hawking's newest write up?" He nodded at the book still in my hands. I nodded my hand once. It's not released yet. No one's supposed to see it. I felt my eyes widen, shifting my hand so it was behind the door. God I'm so fucking awkward. He shook his head once, shifting so he was stood up straight. "I'm Jacob. I've- I've seen you around campus the past few days and uh- my friends said this was your place and told me I had to either come over or stop talking about you, so here I am." What? "Do you uh- do you want to go out some time? For coffee or a drink or some food?" I blinked. "Oh god, I'm making such a twat of myself aren't I? Of course, you don't want to- I'll just save myself the embarrassment and leave now." I stared as the guy walked away. What the hell just happened?

"PIPER?!" I jumped, bringing the phone up to my ear.



"What do I?"

"Tell him you'd like a coffee Pip." I looked up. Oh no. He's-

"COFFEE." He spun around, blue eyes meeting mine a smile growing as he walked back down slowly. "We can- we could do coffee?"

"Only if you tell me how you got a hold of that book. I've been dying to read it since I read the first one a few years ago."

"You know her?"

"Annie? Hell yeah, one of my favourite authors. I hate how she left Dear Reader on such a cliff hanger though. Will they won't they."

"It's based on a true story you know."

"I do know that." He smiles brightly. Dimples! He's got dimples! Oh my god I might collapse to the floor. "Are you free right now? I know it's a little late for coffee but I don't have any classes tomorrow so we can talk books until you pass out."

"YES!" My eyes widened at my phone, pulling it up to my ear.

"I hate you guys."

"No, you don't. Have fun on your date Pip. Send me the guys photo, name, ID. I'll murder him if he touches you."

"Oh, so protective. Bye." I hung up and looked back to Jacob. "Sorry."

"Don't be. Ready to go?"

"Um- yeah I just need a jacket. Hold on." I turned back into my room, putting the book on my side and wiping the mascara from under my eyes before grabbing my things and locking up, walking down the corridor beside a guy that was almost definitely out of my league.

"How did you get a hold of Annie's book? It's not due for release for even ARCs for another month?"

"Um. It's a little complicated."


"Okay no it's not. I know Annie."

"You know her? Like personally?"

"Yeah, you could say I know her personally."

"How? What's she like? Is her name really Annie?"

"No, her names not Annie but Dear Reader is based on her relationship with her husband and her family. She just changed the names about."

"I knew it was based on true events."

"No all of it. The texts, the move back to Canada, the pregnancy. All of it."

"How do you know her? Is she like a family friend?" I smiled, filling with so much pride as my brain flicked through everything mom went through to get to where she was now. That she put all the work in so I could stand her in rainy Edinburgh on my first ever date and she could be the ice breaker so it's not awkward. That my dad gave her the love she needed to write a book now taught in literature classes across the world. That the two of them gave me something I'd never be able to thank them for. Hope that even I'd find something like what they have.

"She's my mom. Annie Hawkins is my mom." 

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