Chapter Twenty

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"This is a good look for you." Jules giggled, wrapping her leg around mine once more. I was still panting as I kissed up the length of her sweat soaked body. "Perfect. Fucking flawless. Absolutely amazing woman."

"I can't Noah. You're going to kill me if you even try to get another drop out of me." I chuckled, pressing my hands into either side of her head, changing my mind, and pushing them under her. Juliette wrapped her legs around my waist as I cupped the back of her head.

"I feel like I haven't seen you this week."

"I know. It's just Ans-"

"You don't need to explain baby. I get it. I'll have you back to myself soon. And I'll be making sure I spend every fucking day devouring you." She let out a giggle, turning into a choked moan as I tugged her bottom lip between my teeth.

"Oh god."

"You just can't get enough can you?"

"You should untie me before this gets out of hand again."

"Or you could stay exactly there and be a good little sub and take your toys." Her eyes doubled in size. "I reckon you've got more in you babe."

"No no no no." I chuckled, kissing into the hallow of her throat and reaching up to pull off the tie, pulling the blanket up over us both. "I'm so achy."

"Want me to run you a bath?"

"Only if you're getting in too."

"I feel like if I get in too your roommate will use that against us for the rest of our lives."

"Knowing Riles she'll use it against us if you don't." She lifted her head, pulled her hair out from behind her head. "Oh shit."


"Look at what you did!" Juliette held both her bruised, slight friction burned wrists up in the minimal light. I pulled them down to my lips, carefully kissing them better.

"I love you."

"I know you do."

"I don't like when you get hurt."

"Totally fucking worth it." Another laugh rippled in her chest.

"Auntie Jules said a bad word." Juliette's eyes turned to saucers, sitting up so quickly she almost hit her head against mine. "Why are you nakey?"

"Anya. What's the rule about doors?"

"We knock. But that's a home rule and we're not home."

"RILEY!" Jules pulled the duvet up over herself, staring at the 5-year-old girl still holding her doll I bought her in the doorway.

"Uncle Noah, are you nakey too? Why are you both nakey?"


"I'm coming I'm- Ans- Oh shi-shoot." Riley smirked, turning her daughter around and pushing her out of the room. "Apparently that's not the first time that's been shouted tonight."

"I swear to god-"

"Clothes babe." I grabbed Jules' hand as she tried to jump out of bed. Riley chuckled, waving sarcastically as she closed a door. Juliette collapsed back into the bed, covering her face. "Okay, first thing this room is getting tomorrow is a lock."

"Oh god, that is so embarrassing."

"I mean, at least it wasn't during." Juliette glared at me. "I'm sure it's fine baby. You'll be laughing about this tomorrow."

"About a 5-year-old walking in whilst I'm still panting after sex. Yeah. I'm sure. Do you know how many questions she's gonna have after this?"

"A million."


"Yeah, but it's not your kid to answer for Jules. Riley let her wonder off. Riley can handle the questions." She sighed, burying into my chest. I lifted her head up, placing a soft kiss on her lips, being broken off by my phone ringing on the side. "For god's sake." I reached over, kissing her again and answering. "Hello."


"Ally?" I sat up slightly. "What's up, you sound upset?"

"I- uh- it's mum." I sat up. "We- she picked me up from- from class and we were- we started driving and - there-"

"Al. Breathe for me babe." I kicked the duvet off. Where the hell did I put my clothes? "Nice and easy."

"What happened?" I held a hand up at Juliette.

"Okay try again Ally."

"We crashed. Mum had to get- cut out of the car. Helicopter-"

"Shit. Okay. Ally, listen babe. I'm coming up okay. I'll be there as soon as I can. Just text me, call me if there's any updates."

"I'm scared Noah."

"Yeah." I hopped into my boxers. "Yeah, you will be Ally. It's alright I'll call you when I hit the outskirts okay? I'll be as quick as I can. Have you called nan?"


"Okay. I'll call her. She'll get to you quicker yeah? Just keep breathing. I'm coming Ally."

"Be- be careful Noah. Don't-"

"I will be. Don't think about it Al. I'm gonna go, I can't get dressed and set off with one hand."

"Okay." I hung up the phone, tossing it to the bed and scavenging for the rest of my clothes.


"My mum was in a serious car crash, had to be airlifted to hospital. Ally's freaking out. I- uh- I need to go up but I don't know when I'll be back down."

"No, of course." Riley sat up, handed me my top. "When Riles leaves, I can always come up. Get the train or something."

"I don't know. We'll work something out when I know how bad it is. Just stay here."

"You don't want me to-"

"Juliette. Please. Not right now Love. Keys, phone." I nodded, dashing out the door and out the front door. Everything was fine. I was so fucking happy 20 minutes ago I felt like I could burst and now I feel like I'm being dragged through a pit of lava by a fucking shark. I drove home, tossing clothes into a bag as I called my nan, then my grandad when she didn't answer, then he house phone. I ranted at them for giving me a panic attack on top of everything else right now. It wasn't exactly late. Only 9.30. But I know that's when they start to unwind for the night. By the time I was setting off for the long drive up there, they were leaving the house. Luckily my grandparents live 20 minutes away from the hospital whereas I wouldn't be getting there until at least 2am, if I go over the limit and don't hit any traffic.

Maybe this is my calling toleave Satbury. 6 hours is too far to drive if something goes wrong likethis.

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