Chapter Twenty Nine

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I didn't even follow her last night. There was no point. Neither of us were getting anywhere.

I think I knew it was going to end like that one way or another. Me flying up here and just showing up at her book signing. Her having to tell me that. It must have been a lot. I know it was for me. I woke up yesterday morning with a plan to get my girlfriend back. Not to push her further away and find out about Finley and Piper at the same time.

I grabbed my phone as it rung a third time, checking the caller ID and groaning.


"Well good morning to you too sunshine."

"What do you want Ally?"

"Oh, am I interrupting something? Is she-"


"You did show up didn't you."

"Yes Ally. I picked her up took her to the restaurant."

"So, it went well?"

"No." I pulled the phone back. "It is way too early to be talking to you right now."

"It's 9am there."

"Mhm. Too early." The call ended and I pulled my phone back. No way did she just hang up on me. I gave it 3 seconds and it started ringing again, her facetime notification popping up and I grumbled, answering reluctantly.

"Woah, you look horrendous."

"Thanks." I rolled onto my back, slowly shuffling up the bed. "What do you want?"

"What happened?"

"Nothing happened."

"Then why are you miserable after taking Juliette on a date when you haven't stopped being a depressing pile of crap since the accident?"

"We had a big fight and she stormed off." Ally blinked at the camera.

"And you followed her."


"Okay. You set her flowers this morning?"


"Oh, come on Noah. You are not being very Parker from 'Dear Reader' Right now."

"Yeah well Parker from Dear Reader didn't find out he's a dad to twins last night. Though, maybe she'll put that in the sequel."

"I'm sorry. What did you just say? Sounded like you said you're a dad to twins?"

"Yep." I pulled the photos off the bedside unit, flipped the camera around and showed her each of them carefully. You couldn't deny it. I'd laid in bed staring at them both all night. They looked exactly like me as babies. Except Piper. She had her mum's eyes, a little bluer. long thick black lashes. Finley had the cheekiest grin as well. It pulls right up to his eyes, gives him these giant dimples. "Finley and Piper. 6 months old."

"So, she-"

"The night of the accident. Before you called."

"Didn't need a play by play but thanks. You sure they're yours?" I zoomed in on Piper's face and Ally pulled at her bottom lip.

"The dates all line up. They'd have to be at least 5 months old to have been anyone else's and she wouldn't have been 18 weeks at this scan. Born in early November which takes us back to us. I was with her that whole week with Riley and she's not the kind of girl that'd cheat. I know that for a fact. There's no chance they're not mine."

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